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2019 NBA Playoffs Round 1 Promo - Lillard Time


Rookie 1
When I saw this in store I knew it will be fixed soon lol just can't believe they gave people almost 5h to buy Lill for coins haha.. nice planned 'glitch' in a disappointed S3.
Well, that pack glitch made this promo less crappy. I bought 100+ packs with 1M rep + coins. I think i should get BB Lillard grinding the rest of the promo.
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I didnt bother coz all i have is 3mil and didnt need another 101 PG. Anyone know if the gold or elite tokens can be used in the next rounds?


Rookie 3
Well, that pack glitch made this promo less crappy. I bought 100+ packs with 1M rep + coins. I think i should get BB Lillard grinding the rest of the promo.
I think you should have bought around 190 coin packs to get the full version (my calculate is 2.58M worth of coins) then the rest of elite token to be grinded for a week. Buying only around 100 will just get you halfway the 2nd set. Hope i’m wrong, but this was my calculation so i didn’t go ahead since i am short in coins and decided to keep them.


Rookie 1
I see so many 350 dollar wade and lillard with buzzer on first day after the start, I think this kind of campaign will rule the game soon.
The sets are finished without playing a single campaign event and masters can’t be finished without spending.
Customers shouldn’t support this trend.


Rookie 1
After buying a lot of unlimited coin/rep packs I was 55 elite tokens away from BB version. Now, after few days of playing events and opening bonus packs I need just 6 more elite tokens to claim this card. This will be my first Lillard card to play since the game started in 2016. I'm a fan of Steph/Simmons in real life, so most of my PGs were Currys, Bens + some legends.

I remember Commond liked most of Dame cards in S2 and I always wanted to try one, but it was always bad timing for me, so finally there is one great card of him to test.


Rookie 2
I am only getting up to Lv 99 ovr for Dame to boost my D lineup... I already have gotten to 97. But if there's not much time, then I will go back to SD to get the remaining 20 pennants for Laimber 100.


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