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2019 NBA All-Star Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
How do u pick the captain...?. Anyone
I would like to pick Giannis.
but I dunno know the order,
?the captain determines the order?...what is that?

Have no idea.. equally clueless.. still trying to figure out how to unlock the live events...
Click on the star on the left hand corner of the campaign and choose ur captain

In the campaign there is a button on the top left it should be flashing just click it and it brings you to a screen where you open a pack and choose the captain that will unlock the live events


Rookie 1
I would like to pick Giannis.
but I dunno know the order,
?the captain determines the order?...what is that?

Have no idea.. equally clueless.. still trying to figure out how to unlock the live events...
Click on the star on the left hand corner of the campaign and choose ur captain

In the campaign there is a button on the top left it should be flashing just click it and it brings you to a screen where you open a pack and choose the captain that will unlock the live events

thank you? stewie.
btw, do you know the meaning of ?the captain determines the order??


Pro 1
Those 495k votes for the 2nd master seem impossible so I'm not spending 1 cent on this promo.
Not cash, not coins, not rep... nothing.

And I locked Lebron as my choice of master (only 1 I'll get) without knowing I was doing it. This promo has managed to piss me off already!


Rookie 2
Do we get votes from increasing our ovr? if yes by how much?

Im counting the number of games needed to reach 125000. It seems I need like 40 showdown/season games a day which seems unreasonable.

I might be missing something

12500 votes a day
40 games of showdown (all wins)= 8000 votes and 800 stamina
if i convert the ticket token and complete all daily objective= 2000 votes (average)
i still need 2500 votes
2500/150 votes on live events= 16.67 events
16 events x 25 stamina = 420 stamina

so total stamina spent will be 1220 which is more or less realistic number of stamina for someone who sleeps and go to work etc.

am I missing something here? it seems unreasonable to play 40 games daily

I know I didnt count first win and 6% bonus, but anyhow even if its 30 games a day its still too much


Rookie 2
Correct me if I missed anything:
12500 votes per day (one master only)

1000 votes larry bird
3600 votes first win

Balance: 7900 votes
1200 Stamina

10 showdown x 200 votes = -2000 votes
10 showdown x 20 stamina= -200 stamina

Balance: 5900 votes
1000 stamina

40 events x 150 votes= -6000 votes
40 events x 25 stamina= -1000 stamina

other variables:
bonus pack 100 votes each
all star tokens= 600 votes (dont know what this is)
votes for ovr increase ??
6% bonus harden and kawhi (just reduce the effort by 6%)
and some larry bird objective would need stamina like 5 flashbacks


Rookie 1
Wait, correct me if I understand it wrong,
Reaching 125k is not easy but seems not impossible,
However, with 125k fans, you have only 20 tokens. With 20 tokens, how come u may have a 84+ ovr all star team to unlock the event... Is there other way to get all star elites? Golds are not trainable...


All-Star 3
Wait, correct me if I understand it wrong,
Reaching 125k is not easy but seems not impossible,
However, with 125k fans, you have only 20 tokens. With 20 tokens, how come u may have a 84+ ovr all star team to unlock the event... Is there other way to get all star elites? Golds are not trainable...
20 tokens will get u to 84


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Have no idea.. equally clueless.. still trying to figure out how to unlock the live events...
Click on the star on the left hand corner of the campaign and choose ur captain

In the campaign there is a button on the top left it should be flashing just click it and it brings you to a screen where you open a pack and choose the captain that will unlock the live events

thank you? stewie.
btw, do you know the meaning of ?the captain determines the order??

You're welcome and no but it could easily mean nothing
Dont forget to pick 86 Harden & Khawi. That 6% votes boost is more important that it seems

?the captain determines the order? means that the captain you choose is the first one you can get when you reach 125k votes
hello, I have a problem, I buy the pack doncik but I do not win additional votes. in bonus packs I do not win a vote. players with the voting bonus give me no bonus. What is happening ??


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
hello, I have a problem, I buy the pack doncik but I do not win additional votes. in bonus packs I do not win a vote. players with the voting bonus give me no bonus. What is happening ??

You have to put the players as starters in your all star lineup and the lineup has to be used to get the bonus


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Here is 99 Malone apparently it's a pack that Asia got because I know someone from the top 10 Taiwan league that pulled it from a pack no one else in the chat has in their store


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Hotrod!! So, I've been hearing we will get this pack in the store tomorrow? Makes sense with it being "Legend Saturday" and what not lol


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