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111 Line Up Thread


Rookie 1
I beg to differ. Lots of cards have been rare when in demand. Currently on my AH they are no players over 109ovr so I'd say they are rare.
Then they get sniped directly or they are in the lineups. Rare at the Ah for the moment maybe. Iverson 80 and Dirk 80 are rare. That’s it. And some bronce and silver stuff.
Accidentally dublication of cards when they are listed slightly too high produces dublicates/ mirrors of ALL cards. Anyway....


All-Star 3
Exactly how are you f2p but have both Davis and LeBron from the Lakers promo? It was not possible to get either of them f2p.
lots of f2p snipers have lebron and AD.. am amazed how many people paid that much for the card just to sell it for 4 mill(b4 the caps were raised)
lots of f2p snipers have lebron and AD.. am amazed how many people paid that much for the card just to sell it for 4 mill(b4 the caps were raised)
People lost out on a couple mil easy. If Sexton is up to 5mil+ now then they could have easily sold for 6mil lol.


Rookie 1
serious question - when will Yao become available? If ever? Only one I need to have a 111 team I think..
There are higher or similar cards out there for every position with better boost.
For bench Bol/ Carter/ Tatum/ Time Lord, KG, Duncan or Gasol/ Hakeem or Davis


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