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101 OVR Muresan


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I wouldn't touch this card with a 10 foot pole but looks fun to dominate against on AI


Pro 1
One just got sold in AH2 for 74,4M :eek:

Is coin-selling cheating back? :evil:

No.. There are plently of wealthy players in the community completely legit.

Not really questioning players honesty. Just trying to say it?s too much for a card at this stage of the game. I would have to have about 700M to consider spending 70M on a card right now.
How wealthy would you say some of those players are? :)


Pro 1
One just got sold in AH2 for 74,4M :eek:

Is coin-selling cheating back? :evil:

No.. There are plently of wealthy players in the community completely legit.

Not really questioning players honesty. Just trying to say it?s too much for a card at this stage of the game. I would have to have about 700M to consider spending 70M on a card right now.
How wealthy would you say some of those players are? :)

Legitimately, (From sniping, not buying coins/exploiting the bot with golds, etc)?

I?d say upwards 200m~. Most I had this season was 352m before the bot came.


Pro 1
No.. There are plently of wealthy players in the community completely legit.

Not really questioning players honesty. Just trying to say it?s too much for a card at this stage of the game. I would have to have about 700M to consider spending 70M on a card right now.
How wealthy would you say some of those players are? :)

Legitimately, (From sniping, not buying coins/exploiting the bot with golds, etc)?

I?d say upwards 200m~. Most I had this season was 352m before the bot came.

Yes, legitimately. Thanks.


Pro 1
No.. There are plently of wealthy players in the community completely legit.

Not really questioning players honesty. Just trying to say it?s too much for a card at this stage of the game. I would have to have about 700M to consider spending 70M on a card right now.
How wealthy would you say some of those players are? :)

Legitimately, (From sniping, not buying coins/exploiting the bot with golds, etc)?

I?d say upwards 200m~. Most I had this season was 352m before the bot came.

Wait... you don?t consider selling golds to the bot legitimate?

It seems to me as legit as sniping for underpriced cards in a microsecond. Maybe more, considering ppl with fast connection have a huge advantage.


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