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Emblem Pts (Monthly Master)


Pro 2
It certainly isn't adding anything interesting for the user. Another pointless lineup to keep upgrading so you don't get smoked in LVL? No thanks. Lose everything you've gained from hard grinding? No thanks. I could better deal with all of this madness if they were adding interesting/ engaging promos and making something, anything better. But it's just the usual copy/ paste, mistake after mistake, new Master at the same exact position and playstyle as last week, nerfed gameplay monotony
It’s crossed my mind more than once that the only reason for these stupid mini seasons is to induce more spending and give the dev team an opportunity to take stuff away from us (which has become the hallmark of S5). It serves no purpose for the end user. It is only a means for the dev team to screw us over. Taking away LP tickets was about the pettiest thing I’ve seen in this game.


Rookie 1
Depends how badly u need those gold and elite players... or maybe pull Iverson. I am in same boat, but can't force myself to spend them.
I had around 40k points collected from the previous MM(May), does half of the previous points not get transfered into this MM(June) like they did for the previous two?


Rookie 1
Last I heard, at least half of the monthly emblems would transfer over to the new month. I had 45k in May, with this latest June update I lost it all and only have 50 emblems. That's rough and please tell me its a glitch and will be rectified. What happened to half? or have I missed another announcement?


Rookie 1
Last I heard, at least half of the monthly emblems would transfer over to the new month. I had 45k in May, with this latest June update I lost it all and only have 50 emblems. That's rough and please tell me its a glitch and will be rectified. What happened to half? or have I missed another announcement?
Just logged on to see none of my 54K emblems have transferred! Just read the earlier posts in the thread..Gutted..


Rookie 1
Just logged on to see none of my 54K emblems have transferred! Just read the earlier posts in the thread..Gutted..
Yea, man, it's a shit move. It went from all transferred last season, to half transferred-to none at all after a few months into the new season. Its like they found out giving half MM is still not making us spend money so it's too much leeway, and therefore just take it all away, in hopes that we will spend money now to get both Legends. The move is so obvious...


Rookie 1
Yea, man, it's a shit move. It went from all transferred last season, to half transferred-to none at all after a few months into the new season. Its like they found out giving half MM is still not making us spend money so it's too much leeway, and therefore just take it all away, in hopes that we will spend money now to get both Legends. The move is so obvious...
Yeah. I just found out it was 57K as they are still adding it to May's total on the playoff events.


Rookie 1
I love how the First Round promo still rewards last season's emblems.
Yea discovered tht. It's like they're teasing me with my accumulated May emblems "Look what you can't have". Looks at this, I can see what I use to have, but can't touch it. trolling big time...


  • tease.jpeg
    189 KB · Views: 211


Rookie 1
Does everyone have the same problem as i do? I finish a game and it tells me i have 3000 monthly points so i go to the store to spend them and in the storr it only says i have like 100, and i cant get any monthly points i dont know why
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