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Pro 2
Try restarting the game
I think Bol doesn't count for some EA genius reason as an Eastern player since his team logo on the card is Washington Bullets and not Wizards. I noticed that yesterday as well in my lineup. After replacing Bol with another Eastern player then the 7 Eastern players event did unlock.
fall doesnt count
restarted twice,
replaced fall,
ill restart again but if it doesnt work i need to replace bol then


Rookie 1
repeat a post, sorry to take your time
I got a western region master, Leonard, it shows 2/12 Master collects.
is it correct?
if i am lucky to get another western region master, Lebron, does it show 4/12 Master collects? or still 2/12 Master collects?
do you know the answer? thank you in advance


Pro 2
repeat a post, sorry to take your time
I got a western region master, Leonard, it shows 2/12 Master collects.
is it correct?
if i am lucky to get another western region master, Lebron, does it show 4/12 Master collects? or still 2/12 Master collects?
do you know the answer? thank you in advance
sounds like a glitch?


Pro 2
between the 3 LD PF, which has the best stats not counting ability? because if siakim or gordon is better than the master id rather save energy


All-Star 3
repeat a post, sorry to take your time
I got a western region master, Leonard, it shows 2/12 Master collects.
is it correct?
if i am lucky to get another western region master, Lebron, does it show 4/12 Master collects? or still 2/12 Master collects?
do you know the answer? thank you in advance
u sure u didnt take another one.. i have claimed him too but its still 1/12


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