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Storm & Surge Promos

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Did anyone notice that the sets for the masters are expiring in 3 days, while the promo ends in 4 days? Looks like we won't be able to complete the set on the last day. Is this a mistake by EA or did they do that on purpose?
Upgrading to 105 is ending in 3 days but getting 104 players will end the 4th day. That's how eyes of the storm works. If you don't have enough tokens starting saving nba cash it's very useful in completing 105 master in last minutes😊 best advice from me.

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Anyone looking for a league member?
Username- Buchi
Ovr 103
Lvl 93
Pretty active
How long will it take you to get to 105 ultimate n have a balanced lineups of at least 103, you can join my league if you meet the requirements in good time.


Rookie 2
Did anyone notice that the sets for the masters are expiring in 3 days, while the promo ends in 4 days? Looks like we won't be able to complete the set on the last day. Is this a mistake by EA or did they do that on purpose?
Whoah I just noticed now. That kinda changes everything. Wtf


Rookie 2
It's gonna come down to the wire for me, I need the last day and some cash to get 105 Dominique. The sets expiring before the events doesnt help.
Yeah, I would have gotten the 105 Mitchell in the last day but now it will be too hard to get the 105 OVR wth.


Rookie 3
Did anyone notice that the sets for the masters are expiring in 3 days, while the promo ends in 4 days? Looks like we won't be able to complete the set on the last day. Is this a mistake by EA or did they do that on purpose?
I think it already happened in the past where the sets expire sooner than the canpaign and they fixed it like 1 or 2 days left. Will not trust though and maybe keep an eye on the sets’ last day.


Rookie 1
Yeah it screws my plan too. In addition to using nba cash to buy out 105 fox, I’d now have to use all my warmup points and stamina packs which is too rich for my blood. 105 Mitchell it is.
I had to use all my warmup points and bottles(45 elite ones) to get to the 380k I have now, I stopped playing and got back in the game. Four 104 OVR players is huge for me, especially if two of them become a 105.


Rookie 1
I'm sure they'll adjust the timer. it wouldn't make sense for the sets to expire earlier than the promo. the live events would just be useless.


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