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PvP beta and update details


Pro 2
So i guess nothing's changed lol

But corner means corner. Not near the corner. Buried in the corner. You figure out the ones doing that and beat them there and they don’t know what to do or you
Block it. It’s not that bad. I got tired of chasing guys there from behind and added a +4 speed court and GT Bol on bench, and upped my 3 boost from 4 to 10 because my manual shooting is still spotty. Sacrificed some rb boost, but it seemed to help a lot. Went 15-0 tonight (just finished) after going 3 and out this morning. Got one more tourney left, but I’m done. For some reason pvp wears me da #### out. Could be the lag. Or that I’m old. Or both. lol


All-Star 1
But corner means corner. Not near the corner. Buried in the corner. You figure out the ones doing that and beat them there and they don’t know what to do or you
Block it. It’s not that bad. I got tired of chasing guys there from behind and added a +4 speed court and GT Bol on bench, and upped my 3 boost from 4 to 10 because my manual shooting is still spotty. Sacrificed some rb boost, but it seemed to help a lot. Went 15-0 tonight (just finished) after going 3 and out this morning. Got one more tourney left, but I’m done. For some reason pvp wears me da #### out. Could be the lag. Or that I’m old. Or both. lol

Idk, I'm giving it a chance but I'm not having much fun. Whether I win or lose is all pretty much dependent on the connection strength. I can guard tight and chase dudes around ball day, make all my clutch shots...... But for what? With all the bullshit AI in LVL that drives me batty half the time.... Its way more fun for me. Maybe some killer rewards would make a difference. There seems to be no point other than it being something shiny & new. I personally don't want some arcade BS. I want to match up against other ppl and see who can play better. But I suppose it was always going to be like this anyways since it's all about who can score the most in a limited time frame. That's going to lead to cheese. Just like Madden's Overdrive last season, which was plagued by ppl gaming the system, figuring out how to complete deep bombs one after the other to win....
But corner means corner. Not near the corner. Buried in the corner. You figure out the ones doing that and beat them there and they don’t know what to do or you
Block it. It’s not that bad. I got tired of chasing guys there from behind and added a +4 speed court and GT Bol on bench, and upped my 3 boost from 4 to 10 because my manual shooting is still spotty. Sacrificed some rb boost, but it seemed to help a lot. Went 15-0 tonight (just finished) after going 3 and out this morning. Got one more tourney left, but I’m done. For some reason pvp wears me da #### out. Could be the lag. Or that I’m old. Or both. lol
So from what I've read people are cheesing the step back corner 3?


Pro 1
My 110 is getting beaten by 103 & up. It all depends on your connection strength really

People having high ping often? Like in 10 games how many are being a fair stable game for both?

Hey edllpt, good to c u back.. though its going to take some time for pvp to 'normalise'

Hey Anatdoc. and yeah being a beta and already this season, not expecting too much too soon :)

Welcome back edllpt! Pvp isn’t available yet in my area but appears that skills/strategy is the key factor in winning the games, of course factoring out the lag issues. Also, looks like having players with ability will have a good advantage especially that hotspot is now invisible on opponent’s make it harder to anticipate.

hey, great that skill & strategy is being more important then - and i guess i'll have to get myself updated on the ability cards and their activation times.


All-Star 1
For me.... maybe 1/10 games have a good connection for seemingly both players. I don't really understand how the connection speed/ strength is being shown on screen because there are times when it's showing 40/Ms and full/green bars but the frame rate is jumpy and I'm missing sporadic moments of gameplay. So where I thought it was showing MY information, maybe it's showing the general connection strength between both of us? I've had it showing one red bar and like 1250/Ms where it's bad but also the same issues when the bar is green and showing 60/ms


Rookie 2
I got the Beta launch last thurs evening my time but by 12 hours later, fri morning it was gone.

I tried to play one game on that thurs before I slept, but couldn't get any opponent after a long wait. So I cancelled. Played an SD one and won by 10 pts, which was good as consolation prize lol.


Pro 1
For me.... maybe 1/10 games have a good connection for seemingly both players.

woah, 1/10 seems pretty bad.

I'm able to play today - specially just after tip-off the frame rate was jumpy as you said, and it was easy to fail the shot-meter completely a couple of times. None of the quarters was perfect enough for a 'released game', but about half of mine looked ok for a test.

Managed four wins with a 108 ovr in the first experience so that was good.

* 4-9 vs 109
* 14-11 vs 109
* 17-6 vs 103
* 14-12 vs 108
* 13-12 vs 109
* 13-17 vs 109

Also like the inclusion of the back-court/in-bounding rules.

The tip-off was one of the puzzling things. won one where i pressed way to early, and lost often on the timing i was used to


All-Star 1
I matched up with another 110 and had a very competitive match until the end. He won by 2. Next match was against a 104 and I get destroyed. Tourney over. 🙄


All-Star 3
main account - it just says waiting for match.. so cant play

alt account (108).. won 3 straight.. 2 agst 109s and one agst 98(the closest match..lol).. all 3 the frame rate kept changing.. sometimes slow suddenly going like on fast forward.. the match was playable doing only dunks.. jumpers were out of the question bcz of the shot meter ...started the 4th match... it got stuck in the middle saying .. sorry we cannot continue the match,, now waiting for match is in this account also
edit: luckily it awarded me the forfeit (atleast i get to play)
I played my first tournament. It seemed like I was mostly matched up with players in the Asia region. I went 5-0. The gameplay was choppy but I expected the lag to be worse. I was kind of surprised by how poorly my opponents played. I don’t know if they had connection problems or were struggling with manual switch but they seemed all at sea.


All-Star 1
I played my first tournament. It seemed like I was mostly matched up with players in the Asia region. I went 5-0. The gameplay was choppy but I expected the lag to be worse. I was kind of surprised by how poorly my opponents played. I don’t know if they had connection problems or were struggling with manual switch but they seemed all at sea.
You mean "auto" switch? First day was great for me. 5-0 in 3 tourneys. Since then not so much. 0-2, 1-2 and 2-2.


Pro 2
Some interesting stuff in here. Had no idea OVR advantage isn't factored into PVP right now. Also, that your speed is adjusted down to your opponent makes some sense in why I have trouble at times. Nice to know that they can and probably will get manual switch back into it for next season

That’s good news. They may slow down my speed to match opponent’s Connection but I’ve played some teams that were so fast it was very very hard to keep up. I suspected ovr didn’t matter directly. It does indirectly tho - especially if you have some high ovr cards with clutch.

So far and counting the Day 1 debacle I’m 105-6. I think I’ve only played all five tourneys twice. Had some really good matches with some 111 & 110s this morning and late last night. Close matches.

On the other hand, outside of The Arena, my team is experiencing a horrible nerf. Worst of the Season.


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