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Evolution Lineup


Pro 1
Now you need a 106 ovr evolution lineup to do the 4th elevate drill, which awards victory points (for 110 Kawhi).

Does anyone have a list of eligible players?
I'm at 104 ovr and need to train or get a SF and possibly a PF.


Rookie 1
UA Curry and Embiid work
106 Illustrated Curry and Kawhi
All 90 illustrated and MIP players
Stockton, AI, Baylor, west, and Oscar (records and b-sides)
All prior PoTM's Bird, Ewing, Horry


Pro 1
Thanks all

It’s easy to identify my weak spot. Not sure if I’ll get there with 105 Butler (90 trained)


All-Star 1
Looking for some advice on my quickest route to 104 and 106 based on current lineup. Spending coins is fine and I have 30 Plat tokens in inventory, I only have 85 PF Griffin in inventory and very few B-Sides for Baylor.


Also, anyone know why some jerseys are missing for this team (e.g. +3 dunk, Miami Hardwood Classic)?


All-Star 3
Looking for some advice on my quickest route to 104 and 106 based on current lineup. Spending coins is fine and I have 30 Plat tokens in inventory, I only have 85 PF Griffin in inventory and very few B-Sides for Baylor.

View attachment 1501

Also, anyone know why some jerseys are missing for this team (e.g. +3 dunk, Miami Hardwood Classic)?
I'm also stuck at 103.. grinding elevate and training a 90 seems the way out..
Darn it! I've been ignoring this line-up. I think I'm only at ninety something. I didn't bother maxing out any elevate players.


All-Star 1
Looking for some advice on my quickest route to 104 and 106 based on current lineup. Spending coins is fine and I have 30 Plat tokens in inventory, I only have 85 PF Griffin in inventory and very few B-Sides for Baylor.

View attachment 1501

Also, anyone know why some jerseys are missing for this team (e.g. +3 dunk, Miami Hardwood Classic)?
Update...on to 106. No plan yet for SF.



All-Star 1
Has no idea this even existed until right now. The Kawhi set is only up for 13 more weeks so you'd still have to get a bunch of 106 players to turn in if you want to complete him. Looks like 4 first wins per day? That'll only get you 364 points. Doesn't seem worth the effort if you wouldn't have much time to use him


Rookie 1
It’s 6 first wins per day but yeah still a LONG way to Kawhi, but hey it’s not 70m of coins.

As soon as I trained my Butler one more level from pic above I hit 106 w that l/u


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