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Evolution Lineup


All-Star 1
I want to know the same thing, will it be after the month finishes or a certain overall that he can be added to the evolution lineup? Right now he can't be added, just like the 2nd chance players for whatever reason.
This was the same for me with Curry last month. Couldn’t add him until yesterday so guessing it’s intentional.


All-Star 1
You can add Curry & Embiid (+2 boost version) now cause it was fixed.

Carter problem is reported.
So you’re saying that EA realized it was a glitch and patched it on 7/1 (coincidence?). Because Embiid could already be added in my lineup so that’s why I was confused about Curry and then “all of the sudden” (same day Curry UA promo ended) I could add him. Now we have the same issue with Carter?? I mean really....I know EA is bad but seriously? This must be intentional not to be able to add him until after the promo! Must be... 🤔🙄


All-Star 3
So you’re saying that EA realized it was a glitch and patched it on 7/1 (coincidence?). Because Embiid could already be added in my lineup so that’s why I was confused about Curry and then “all of the sudden” (same day Curry UA promo ended) I could add him. Now we have the same issue with Carter?? I mean really....I know EA is bad but seriously? This must be intentional not to be able to add him until after the promo! Must be... 🤔🙄
No doubt abt it.. everything that happens in the game by and large is intentional..
Then they 'fix' the issue


Rookie 1
I’m a casual player but I’ve been getting more serious. Quick question about evolution players, it seems really expensive to train players. Am I alone in that thought or is that pretty much the way it is?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I’m a casual player but I’ve been getting more serious. Quick question about evolution players, it seems really expensive to train players. Am I alone in that thought or is that pretty much the way it is?
That's just the way it is training cards is definitely not something for casual players to do because of all the trainable cards now that take 150k TP to max which takes a long time to get


Rookie 1
That's just the way it is training cards is definitely not something for casual players to do because of all the trainable cards now that take 150k TP to max which takes a long time to get
So is it better to save tokens for auction or to train players in your opinion?


Pro 2
How does ingram get into the lineup?

Trained player from Second Chance promo, Jordan, Porzingis also come to mind.

Kinda looking forward to training the 92 Hield to 107. Been playing the elevate event every time it resets and have more than 30 platinum tokens. That and about 600k coins should do it.


All-Star 3
Trained player from Second Chance promo, Jordan, Porzingis also come to mind.

Kinda looking forward to training the 92 Hield to 107. Been playing the elevate event every time it resets and have more than 30 platinum tokens. That and about 600k coins should do it.
jordan and porzingis dont go in. hence the doubt


Rookie 1
until now i dont know how to calculate the ovr boost. i can have 2 pg13. with the same exact stats boost. 1 is 107 the other one is 108.


Rookie 1
Second chance Carter also cant be put into evo lineup? Same question about Ingram I cant insert him not trained. Will it be possible if I upgrade him?


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