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Evolution Lineup


Pro 2
jordan and porzingis dont go in. hence the doubt
Just checked mine. None of the Second Chance are available - clarkson, Ingram, Porzingis, Jordan or carter. The outliers are Curry and Embiid - they are the only ones not trained in a lineup. So they shouldn’t be there either.

The vagaries of EA I suppose.


All-Star 1
Just checked mine. None of the Second Chance are available - clarkson, Ingram, Porzingis, Jordan or carter. The outliers are Curry and Embiid - they are the only ones not trained in a lineup. So they shouldn’t be there either.

The vagaries of EA I suppose.
I just wish we could at least use them to train players that can go in or even players that can go in to train other players (I’m log jammed at PG since I trained Harden which helped me for a whopping day so would be nice to recoup some of that investment). I wouldn’t even be asking for this if they hadn’t introduced the fubar that was the pack vs free card that could be used to train other elevates. What a CF


All-Star 3
I just wish we could at least use them to train players that can go in or even players that can go in to train other players (I’m log jammed at PG since I trained Harden which helped me for a whopping day so would be nice to recoup some of that investment). I wouldn’t even be asking for this if they hadn’t introduced the fubar that was the pack vs free card that could be used to train other elevates. What a CF
Its going to take forever to train them.. and at this point it doesnt even make sense to try and train a record breaker..


Rookie 1

im trying to get to 104. i have pg sg pf and c resolutions player on bench. all still ovr 90. problem i only hv 30 token.


Rookie 3
yeah, i dont get why second chance isnt available for this lineup either... im sure Vincanity will be eventually.. im leaving SG for now


Pro 1
jordan and porzingis dont go in. hence the doubt
The lineup with Ingram on it is NOT the Elevate lineup. It's just a lineup I created replicating my Elevate lineup except bench SF, to check what I needed to get from 105 to 106 ovr
Personally I won't even bother spending anything just to play an extra elevate event. Save your coins for next season since trained players tend to have worse stats than others anyway. Unless they release new trainable players that have better stats or make elevate players trainable to 108-110 then dont bother.


Rookie 1
I think only reason is not players themselves but reaching 106 ovr in evo lineup to get 6 daily tokens for 110 ovr Kawhi. I could care less about the players I train to reach for that goal or their stats. I had 14 mil so I checked I would be very close to 106 if Carter would be available to this lineup at 105 ovr version at least...


Rookie 3
Hesitant as well to pursue kawhi. Even tough you are at 106 now, completing the event for 4 throphy a day would make you finish kawhi in 2 or 3 months. By then he would probably be just another 110 cards since current monthly master is already at 108


All-Star 1
Hesitant as well to pursue kawhi. Even tough you are at 106 now, completing the event for 4 throphy a day would make you finish kawhi in 2 or 3 months. By then he would probably be just another 110 cards since current monthly master is already at 108
It’s 66.67 days to be exact. Doesn’t seem like a big sacrifice to get your Elevate lineup to 106 if you’re already 101 or higher. Maybe wait a little bit to see if they increase Elevate players once more before end of July. That would make it less painful and there’s still time to get Kawhi.


Rookie 3
It’s 66.67 days to be exact. Doesn’t seem like a big sacrifice to get your Elevate lineup to 106 if you’re already 101 or higher. Maybe wait a little bit to see if they increase Elevate players once more before end of July. That would make it less painful and there’s still time to get Kawhi.
If you are at 101 you probably need at least two more 90 illustrated to max-trained which would take you at most 2 weeks of pure elevate grind for each. And yeah, hopefully along the way they make things easier which they already started by introducing the 4th event. Of course, spenders will be able to enjoy them as early as now.


All-Star 1
If you are at 101 you probably need at least two more 90 illustrated to max-trained which would take you at most 2 weeks of pure elevate grind for each. And yeah, hopefully along the way they make things easier which they already started by introducing the 4th event. Of course, spenders will be able to enjoy them as early as now.
Hate to keep disagreeing with your estimates but you’re way off on the time to max a 90. I started a day and a half ago and I’m at 100 and still doing 1st win promos and daily events. More like 2-3 days to max one. The hit rate on elite tokens from the 3rd event has been very good.

Anyway, it sucks but it is what it is. Once you get to 106 it’s an easy grind for Kawhi and look at the bright side, you’ll have more Elevate tokens from first wins than you’ll know what to do with! 😜


Rookie 1
View attachment 1531

im trying to get to 104. i have pg sg pf and c resolutions player on bench. all still ovr 90. problem i only hv 30 token.

Court: if you completed the Canada promo....change your court to the Maple one as it gives a +5 boost.

Jerseys: change to +3 boost jerseys (if you don't have any yet continue to grind the 4th of July promo and add the two +3 jerseys, Philly and Washington)

Finish Iverson and Whiteside (1 level left each I believe)

Leave SG (as mentioned at some point Carter should be able to be added)

Depending on coins....you might be able to find 100 Bird on the AH.

Continue to train Robertson as you get B-side tokens - luck as you up to elite Time tokens....and train Siakum or another illustrated PF option


Rookie 3
Hate to keep disagreeing with your estimates but you’re way off on the time to max a 90. I started a day and a half ago and I’m at 100 and still doing 1st win promos and daily events. More like 2-3 days to max one. The hit rate on elite tokens from the 3rd event has been very good.

Anyway, it sucks but it is what it is. Once you get to 106 it’s an easy grind for Kawhi and look at the bright side, you’ll have more Elevate tokens from first wins than you’ll know what to do with! 😜
I am currently at 96 ovr so my estimate is based on one event only (around 10k tp a day). I do have enough token though to train one and buying 100 bird should make me a 100 ovr. Maybe i just need a try, and yeah my math sucks sometimes so i will trust yours...haha. Maybe for now will just include elevate events’ first wins in my routine then let’s see how far it will get me. Just a question though, is your 2 to 3 days mean you focused all your stamina in elevate with 3 events unlocked?


All-Star 1
I am currently at 96 ovr so my estimate is based on one event only (around 10k tp a day). I do have enough token though to train one and buying 100 bird should make me a 100 ovr. Maybe i just need a try, and yeah my math sucks sometimes so i will trust yours...haha. Maybe for now will just include elevate events’ first wins in my routine then let’s see how far it will get me. Just a question though, is your 2 to 3 days mean you focused all your stamina in elevate with 3 events unlocked?
Not all of my stamina. I still do the first wins for the promo and the daily events and lvl.


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