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Final game key event pulls


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yo help me I need the key just to earn the star pack for the 1980 lakers
Not sure what you're asking about first you need to have unlocked the room by doing the 94 Magic set first then after that you need a Final key which isn't predictable and has very low odds to pull


Rookie 1
Not sure what you're asking about first you need to have unlocked the room by doing the 94 Magic set first then after that you need a Final key which isn't predictable and has very low odds to pull
You don't need the rooms unlocked to play the finals event. For example i haven't unlocked wade campaign but i can still play the finals event from that campaign


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You don't need the rooms unlocked to play the finals event. For example i haven't unlocked wade campaign but i can still play the finals event from that campaign
Oh ok I just played the ones I unlocked on the first day and since then I haven't had enough to play more than 1 first win event so I didn't look too far into it but the one I didn't play so far was the LeBron one which supposedly is the hardest one anyways


Rookie 1
Oh ok I just played the ones I unlocked on the first day and since then I haven't had enough to play more than 1 first win event so I didn't look too far into it but the one I didn't play so far was the LeBron one which supposedly is the hardest one anyways
The magic one is the hardest one by far, at least for me.


All-Star 3
The magic one is the hardest one by far, at least for me.
I always play the magic one in my alt..just a single key in my main... lol.. i guess it depends on which lineup of urs is the best.. but suprisingly im not having issues with it.. 105 lowry and 101 tracy usually make their 3s.. just wish i pulled something..


Rookie 1
have still only pulled 1 key total, days ago. nothing else. are the 90 ovr illustrated useless? cuz i got nothing to train for them


Rookie 1
i used all my free cash and finally got some tickets. but 2 tickets wasted. lebron from the street lineup is straight garbage. straight trash. im hella pissed. only pulled 1 ticket this whole time and when i get some, EA bs. got 0 stars on both tickets used smh.
I have had success with the LeBron and Wade events (if you consider four straight mystery gifts and numerous Illisttated players success.) The live events vary in difficulty. Occasionally, you get one where it’s easy to rack up points. I’ve also had live events where I’ve been screwed over on each possession.


Rookie 1
For me the easiest ones are the wade and lebron events. They are the only ones where i was capable of 2 or 3 staring. Other ones i just wasted keys.


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