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Venice Beach 3v3 Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I want Baron. Does anybody know if you can play him in your regular lineup?

While it has a new lienup style logo it should be able to be used in all lineups

Is this 100% confirmed? Last thing we need is grind Hard for Baron Davis and we cant even use in on our main Line up. Cant trust EA nowadays with all the uncertainty.


Yes the other players from this promo can be used in main lineups so Davis will be like that too they wouldn't make a promo master that could only be used on one lineup the way that lineups are set up this year
I want Baron. Does anybody know if you can play him in your regular lineup?

While it has a new lienup style logo it should be able to be used in all lineups

Is this 100% confirmed? Last thing we need is grind Hard for Baron Davis and we cant even use in on our main Line up. Cant trust EA nowadays with all the uncertainty.


The person who told me you can?t use 3v3 players in your main lineup says it?s bugged right now. This may be true since The campaign is clearly bugged right now. For example, DeRozan wasn?t meant to be auctionable but he is. 3v3 is supppsed to be an ongoing mode with players unique to that lineup
6 - 87 OVR Venice Beach 2x Choice Pack - 9000
7 - 93 OVR Venice Beach 1x Choice Pack - 14000
8 - 87 OVR Venice Beach 2x Choice Pack - 17000
what? s the diffence 6 & 8?
regrarding 8, is 97 OVR??

It repeats the same players.

if it repeats the same players, doesn't that mean that we can get duplicates for both players?

You get a choice of players like with the 83 OVRs so you can choose different players at each milestone, but it?s fhe same group of players for the 83s, 87s and 93s.
While it has a new lienup style logo it should be able to be used in all lineups

Is this 100% confirmed? Last thing we need is grind Hard for Baron Davis and we cant even use in on our main Line up. Cant trust EA nowadays with all the uncertainty.


The person who told me you can?t use 3v3 players in your main lineup says it?s bugged right now. This may be true since The campaign is clearly bugged right now. For example, DeRozan wasn?t meant to be auctionable but he is. 3v3 is supppsed to be an ongoing mode with players unique to that lineup

The official answer is that you can use 3v3 players in your main lineup but you can?t use other types of players in your 3v3 lineup.
The street lineup is like the defensive, balanced, shooting ones. You can use the players in the main & custom lineups, but only that type of players in said lineup.


Rookie 1
I know some of you are saying it isn't, but after one day with just a bit of Grinding (didn't even use my full stamina as I didn't play for like 8h) I'm at 5,3k. So if I have 5 more days (and today I only played two of the 5 daily events) I'll be getting to 31,5k, which would be just a bit short of the 35k needed. Add a little help from EA or a few packs from the store (and I still want to get the other 10% bonus player) and it's pretty grindeable for Baron. Definitely not gonna sit this one out. It's not everyday you can pull a 99 this easily (plus a new elite coach and a few sellable elites).
I got coach Walton for the 10% boost, along with 10% boost from Stanley Johnson, but I'm still only getting 10% instead of 20% boost, anyone else have same issue?

Edit: Never mind, it gave me the correct amount just doesn't display the correct %
I'm almost @ 7k pts from grinding this biatch out.
Agreed, 35k looks achievable
I'm at a little over 7k as well even after a nights sleep (different time zone). I didn't realize we get the master at 35k until now, I thought we get him at 85k after getting the gold legend reward packs, somehow I missed milestone 9. So if we get him at 35k what is the point to keep going other than the court? And any ideas what the gold legend reward packs mean? I assume we get gold legend tokens to be used on a legend?


Rookie 1
I'm almost @ 7k pts from grinding this biatch out.
Agreed, 35k looks achievable
I'm at a little over 7k as well even after a nights sleep (different time zone). I didn't realize we get the master at 35k until now, I thought we get him at 85k after getting the gold legend reward packs, somehow I missed milestone 9. So if we get him at 35k what is the point to keep going other than the court? And any ideas what the gold legend reward packs mean? I assume we get gold legend tokens to be used on a legend?

Yes you?re right it?s just the gold legend tokens in those packs.


All-Star 3
Did u guys get an 82 ovr lineup..
I just realised that thats the only way u can get the full 2500 every day..


All-Star 1
Should only need 14k to get an 82 lineup. So I've got 7k today, need the same tomorrow & I'm set. That'll give me the 2500 for 4 days. Buy coin packs & I won't have to.grind much at all to get Baron. Only have about 5k to grind over 4 days.


All-Star 3
Should only need 14k to get an 82 lineup. So I've got 7k today, need the same tomorrow & I'm set. That'll give me the 2500 for 4 days. Buy coin packs & I won't have to.grind much at all to get Baron. Only have about 5k to grind over 4 days.

Did u snipe some 83s?.. or all grind..


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