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Venice Beach 3v3 Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Time to go outside for some streetball! This ongoing campaign puts you on playgrounds across the country for some 3v3 action with an all-new Street Lineup. For this first one, play on the famous Venice Beach Basketball Courts in casual streetwear and earn Venice Beach Style Points to recruit noteworthy California-born players!


Live Date: February 20, 2019 at 6:00 AM EST
End of Campaign: February 25, 2019 at 6:00 AM EST


Campaign Map
Earn Venice Beach Style Points from Live Events in order to recruit various players in each position by passing the below milestones. These players will help you earn more Venice Beach Style Points.
Once you reach Milestone #9, you earn the Master.
Once you reach Milestone #14, you earn the Venice Beach Basketball Court.
Milestones #15-20 are bonus rewards.
As you increase your...
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Pro 1
Not grindable + Crappy master = Another good promo to take a break from this game if the AH keeps being this low (which it probably will)

Just unsure if it?s going to be a no-store-spending break (like the All-Star promo for me) or a shut-down-app-for-5-days break.
Ah well, another break is still wellcome in a 1 year long game.


Rookie 3
the AH will have another 'minor colapse' when the AS players become auctionable... but who knows if thats straight away or in a week or 2...
loos like another week of SD for me :)


Pro 1
the AH will have another 'minor colapse' when the AS players become auctionable... but who knows if thats straight away or in a week or 2...
loos like another week of SD for me :)

And the LNY players are still non-auctionable, along with several Legends golds in my inventory.


Pro 1
I got 80 PF Bell and 80 SF Stanley Johnson (now that he?s a pelican, thank you very much :p).
Chose Bell.

Everyone had the same choice of players?


Rookie 1
6 - 87 OVR Venice Beach 2x Choice Pack - 9000
7 - 93 OVR Venice Beach 1x Choice Pack - 14000
8 - 87 OVR Venice Beach 2x Choice Pack - 17000
what? s the diffence 6 & 8?
regrarding 8, is 97 OVR??


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