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Your Favourite aspect of the game


Rookie 3
Staff member
Just curious guys.

What drives you to play NBALIVE Mobile?

Me personally... Love basketball... Love shooting 3's and am quite competitive in real life so LvL fits with me quite nicely...


Rookie 3
Re: You're Favourite aspect of the game

started playing fantasy nba a few yrs back, as had got bored of the nba, this is just another layer of addiction now for nba/basketball :)


Rookie 1
I like playing basketball and watching the NBA irl and this game is the only game that has NBA players licenses on mobile.


Rookie 1
Franchise building, overall idea of player cards.

This, and also playing showdown with the goal of testing the team. I really would like to have played in season 1, where we could build 5 lines.

Also, I don't have a console, so this is the closest of a good basketball game I can get. I purchased the nba2k18, but build a team is more exciting.

Army Nael

Rookie 1
I started playing NBA Live Mobile last November. I immediately like playing it because of its replayability. It has multiple events daily. Also, it has major events that is directly related to NBA (Playoffs, Finals, etc..), which also keeps me updated to the real world NBA. The auction house, the leagues, and showdown feature are also good which keeps me playing. Right now, I hope EA will make it even better next season.


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