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Your activities for the rest of the season


Rookie 3
Me i guess will just to complete one certified player, either of pantheon irving or davis (no way to complete harden though since i already used up my shards token building 3 classic titan players and have been using league token for training points), use remaining of my coins (around 3m)/golds to train some of my players, play some more showdown to test my newly improved lineup (my classic went from 98 to 102 in the past 3 weeks, my nba stayed the same though at 102, hiping to be 103 ovr at the end), played some more league matches to improve our rankings to top 500, and i think i'm done with the season. As f2p i think overall i had fun this season despite the frustrations, stress, blood, pain, etc. What do you guys are planning or currently doing until the reset?
I have a 99 ovr franchise, and spent the remaining of my coins training my plats. With around 500k coins now and no league since April, I'm done with this season, and I'm not opening the app till next season starts.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Smoke a blunt, play LvL, recruit for next season, and fill up my lineup with cards I want of my favorite players nothing much to do other then that but I might try to make a push for top 1k either this or next SD season since I was too lazy to do it any other time


All-Star 3
Trying to finish in top 100sd this season (never done it B4).. hopefully finish Kyrie .. max out rttp giannis and ul pistol Pete..


Rookie 2
SD and LvL as usual....and finally getting that Kyrie 98/Billups 97 ovr card before this week ends.

I am selling away my Hayward GT 103 card so that I can buy either PG and boost my NBA line up ovr from 99 to 100.


Rookie 1
I'm going for that Pantheon Ruler Harden - with some AH luck I should get there - a 103 or 104 all-grind franchise would be a good way to finish the season.


Rookie 1
Had a 99 franchise and I?ve sold off anything valuable and untrained, $90m in coins and hoping the AH collapses completely next week to get me to a 103+. In case anyone doesn't believe me there's a screen shot link below. I can grab 3 Pantheons and 4 Titans after this SD season finishes. I?ve mapped out everyone I want to get unless EA surprise us with cards that haven?t already been leaked. I was expecting some new rookies to show up like last year, maybe not.



Rookie 3
Staff member
Smoke a blunt, play LvL, recruit for next season, and fill up my lineup with cards I want of my favorite players nothing much to do other then that but I might try to make a push for top 1k either this or next SD season since I was too lazy to do it any other time

My main man ~~~ ^^^ hahahha

Mmmm... my activities... LvL until next season... spent all my coin during the promo that me gamble millions chasing 99 Iverson and then making millions off selling Signatures...Buying a Simmons 91... Now I can't afford shit... my main cards are all trained.. At least I will start S3 from the beginning... only came into S2 end of January...


Rookie 1
im selling now my valuable bench players and hoping for the AH to crash soon so i can upgrade my ovr to 103+++


Rookie 3
hang a bog on the toilet, opening up 20m of pro-packs....
build 2 rewinds, 1 or 2 certified, and if ive calculated correctly, on the last day of christmas crack open harden
I can probably build two Pantheon players and a Certified card in the time remaining. I'm currently debating with myself whether I can be arsed grinding Showdown to get the 20 shards I need for Davis and whether I should build this week's Certified player and sell it or wait for the power forwards.

I'm starting to miss the end of Season 1 on Asia where we got a ton of promos with repackaged cards from the global server. If I had managed my coins better I could have had the pick of what's available on the AH but to be honest the AH is dead on Asia.


Rookie 2
Would you guys recommend trying to complete some of the 100 showdown players or using the shards to get the 105 Davis even though it takes 5 Plats


Rookie 2
I was surprised that someone was selling John Wall SD 97 card for a mere 2.8m coins at max buy now price earlier today.

I quickly bought him. I also bought Joel Embiid 98 in exchange of selling Hayward GT 103+ on wednesday.

Now my NBA line up has jumped to 100. Just 10 days ago, I was struggling to get even to 96 ovr levels.

Crazy, man..


Rookie 2
Would you guys recommend trying to complete some of the 100 showdown players or using the shards to get the 105 Davis even though it takes 5 Plats

Davis is worth it. I have Davis and his block stats & boosts for the team as well is just so so good.

AD did so well that even Tim Duncan, the prior one, was forgotten so quickly.


Rookie 1
i am 2 weeks away from mourning, and 5 shards away from anthony davis. I also have readied 6 plats for flashback durant. after that i am done.


Rookie 2
Would you guys recommend trying to complete some of the 100 showdown players or using the shards to get the 105 Davis even though it takes 5 Plats

Davis is worth it. I have Davis and his block stats & boosts for the team as well is just so so good.

AD did so well that even Tim Duncan, the prior one, was forgotten so quickly.

thanks for this Stewie, I will get him then. He is the 105 I have the best chance at. I just wanted to be sure because I have Bill Russell and Hakeem so that position is pretty set but it's still a 7 rank upgrade.


Rookie 1
Just bought 91 (classic) king of fire Ben for 5M yesterday, so I'm happy.. now I'm waiting for certified Draymond and I guess that's it for me... maybe I will sell some valuable bench players (NBA) right after claiming Green and will buy some cool cards for my classic LU.
No reason to keep super strong bench for S3 legacy alike event, you will not see (probably) your S2 bench players in new game, so it's better to sell high rated bench and put cheap, low rated NY players with great boosts for the final lineups.


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