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Your activities for the rest of the season

The season is ambling along to a close. It's so slow that Asia hasn't had maintenance for the last week or so.

I picked up Pantheon Irving and Davis. I also built Certified Draymond and picked up Rewind Iverson for cheap but I'm having a hard time flipping them. I belong to the same AH on both of my accounts but I post to different servers. One server is fairly active but the other is a wasteland. It's either deserted or everyone's a pauper. The main AH that I can see has had some crazy 101 coin listings lately for Rewind Durant and Certified Stockton.

I would really love to get Certified Lillard on my second account but people figure he's rare and list him for much higher than the recent Certified players.


Rookie 1
Just waiting for Larry Legend now.
Asia AH inactivity frustrating as hell sometimes.
Theres so little variation on cards you can find. I've not even seen a Certified Lilard for sale on my AH.


Rookie 1
I was able to get Draymond, sell him, and use the proceeds to finish building Rewind Durant. That was the last position I wanted to upgrade before the reset. I've still got a couple million coins I might use to upgrade my bench and/or train, but other than that, I think my lineups are pretty much set.


Rookie 1
If S3 is anything like S2, these line-ups will become pretty much useless. So I?m going to get my favorite players and the best bench boosts. Then enjoy showdown.


Rookie 2
I really hope at some point they do an exchange so we don't just end the season with an insane amount of random tokens in uncompleted sets.


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