Sadly the option for training these players isn't available
I wonder if it's just for the lower OVR versions. That's likely the case. Anything to keep the non-cash players from helping themselves increase the vaunted OVR.
We all know the platinums are far too expensive to train at the highest levels, but this kinda requires you to get the platinum version to get the whole experience. I don't like this. But thanks for the heads up....I bet there will be some angry players over this
It is mean EA forces you to buy their packages or fight to get platinum players. I am lucky that I keep my REPS to 1 Mill never use it and have 200 gold and 20 elites cos dont know what to do. I wonder why other players in my league are so rich while me so tight in NBA cash if not selling my platinum or high ovr elites. So this is the reason lol....I will get kyrie platinum dream for sure
Kevinmao. Can we edit posts?
It is mean EA forces you to buy their packages or fight to get platinum players. I am lucky that I keep my REPS to 1 Mill never use it and have 200 gold and 20 elites cos dont know what to do. I wonder why other players in my league are so rich while me so tight in NBA cash if not selling my platinum or high ovr elites. So this is the reason lol....I will get kyrie platinum dream for sure
Nice, let me know how he plays - I'm up to the 93 almost
Same, problem, man. I already got the 93 yesterday but unable to train is frustrating. I mean he finally replaces my maxed out Lin, which is good. I am still trying to get that 98 but it takes a lot. As for now, 93 gameplay is very solid. Can shoot, can attack, is fast and even steals good. His layup and dunk game is amazing, I love it