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Wilt Chamberlain Card, 92 Overall with a Lakers Jersey


Rookie 1
Tbh I?m not even sure if this exists, but has anyone seen this card? I?ve been scouting the AH for it, and I?m not sure if it was an UL or not


Pro 1
You mean the 92 Power?

If that's the case, that one was a set legend released around NY with others like Lebron, Hayward, McCollum, Aldridge, and was great due to a pair of +4 boosts.

I got it from the AH shortly after the bot showed up, and somewhat recently pulled it again in those packs that were giving 87+ and made cards like NY Lowry a bit more common. Sold it for ~5M but now I would guess they would be a lot cheaper.


Rookie 1
I believe most of them were already train.
This card release for a long time with +4 boosts. In the early season, This is the best classic card of this rare legend set.
Good for both start player and bench. Very difficult to find in the AH by now.


Rookie 1
You mean the 92 Power?

If that's the case, that one was a set legend released around NY with others like Lebron, Hayward, McCollum, Aldridge, and was great due to a pair of +4 boosts.

I got it from the AH shortly after the bot showed up, and somewhat recently pulled it again in those packs that were giving 87+ and made cards like NY Lowry a bit more common. Sold it for ~5M but now I would guess they would be a lot cheaper.
Yup, that?s the one. I knew I seen it somewhere


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