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Will S3 become better than S1?


  • 1] YES

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • 2]NO

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • 3]MAYBE

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • 4]NEVER

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters


Rookie 3
I personally find the game very good and seeing they will be releasing 100 percent grindable programs on Monday and rookies and current off season movers promo is good I think if they keep doing these type of things S3 can be better then S1
I don't think so, so many good players in S1, and if u count that in S1 we had 5 lineups (6 if u count the special event lineup).... Maybe will be better than S2 tho


Rookie 3
it is teh start of something fresh
im sick of all teh whining.. its a good start, not great.. but im enjoying more than S2


Rookie 3
Not played much in season 1 but i think not yet. Even if they shower us with a lot of contents if the gameplay is still garbage then it will not be any better - poor defense/rebounding, too random difficulties, etc. (too many to list down).


Rookie 1
Somehow they have gotten everyone on board with the way things are going. I think there plan is going like they wanted it to. I think there are a lot more people spending money this season but just guessing.


Rookie 2
S3 is already light-years ahead of S2, and it might pass S1 too. I personally don't remember S1 being godly as everyone else does.
I thought it'd be fantastic only in comparison to S2.


All-Star 3
S3 is already light-years ahead of S2, and it might pass S1 too. I personally don't remember S1 being godly as everyone else does.
I thought it'd be fantastic only in comparison to S2.

+1.. on S1
I preferred the content of S1 and the grind of S2.. by content I meant everything had a purpose.. seasons had veterans .. the weekly events had a purpose .. the game was connected to real life games.. loved the player up events.. the chance in the award winners sets was the worst though
If they can find a way to blend the best of both then s3 shd be good
Season 1 was a mess on the Asia server. There were barely any promos for the first six months and then they hit us with a ton of repackaged promos from global. It was easy to grind for the Masters, though. And the Summer Courts requirements were heavily reduced. Season 2 kept up to date with the global server and now Season 3 is on the same build, so from my point of view, things are moving forward.

QJB was kind of salty in a recent video, though. I guess he's befuddled that he can't complete sets by opening bundles.


Rookie 1
S1 had 5 lineups, a free market, and lots of good grindable content. We'll be lucky to get one of those this season. I'm not ready to say S3 has already beat S2 but I'm pretty confident it'll get there. The first few weeks of this season have undoubtedly been better than the first few weeks last year, but we'll see if it tops S1.
QJB was kind of salty in a recent video, though. I guess he's befuddled that he can't complete sets by opening bundles.

Oh wow. I might have to check that out. While his vids can be entertaining at times, it's weird just watching someone repeatedly open packs and bundles that weren't grinded for lol. Did he say something along those lines in the video??


Rookie 2
QJB was kind of salty in a recent video, though. I guess he's befuddled that he can't complete sets by opening bundles.

Oh wow. I might have to check that out. While his vids can be entertaining at times, it's weird just watching someone repeatedly open packs and bundles that weren't grinded for lol. Did he say something along those lines in the video??

I never got QJB & dHitman vids of just opening packs & being funny.
Their lack of commitment to the game & low level is a sign of lack of game integrity.
I do miss the days Bobby was on every day or two.


Rookie 2
S1 had 5 lineups, a free market, and lots of good grindable content. We'll be lucky to get one of those this season. I'm not ready to say S3 has already beat S2 but I'm pretty confident it'll get there. The first few weeks of this season have undoubtedly been better than the first few weeks last year, but we'll see if it tops S1.

Totally agree with you man!
The MVP & movers campaigns are good & not too 'pay to win' - for sure better than S2.
I do still miss the free market. EA must return it. They will get their money by putting reasonable 1/2 USD shortcuts packs like the Harden MVP one.


Rookie 1
S1 had 5 lineups, a free market, and lots of good grindable content. We'll be lucky to get one of those this season. I'm not ready to say S3 has already beat S2 but I'm pretty confident it'll get there. The first few weeks of this season have undoubtedly been better than the first few weeks last year, but we'll see if it tops S1.

Totally agree with you man!
The MVP & movers campaigns are good & not too 'pay to win' - for sure better than S2.
I do still miss the free market. EA must return it. They will get their money by putting reasonable 1/2 USD shortcuts packs like the Harden MVP one.
The free market isn't coming back. It's just not gonna happen, and I don't even fault EA for that. Coin selling is bad for all of us, but the AH clearly isn't working right right now. I still don't really understand why they had to change it from how it was the latter half of last season.

My biggest concern and hope is still for more lineups. I know Brian said we're supposed to get more at some point but I'm not sure how that's going to work with them already starting to mix in classic cards.


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