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Who to upgrade?


All-Star 3

I have elevate platinum tokens to train one player. Do I go for lou at sg or jokic at c... ?
Basically which would get my lineup to 106...

Or should I hold on to my tokens and hope they upgrade the elevates when they update showdown players


Pro 1
Replicate that Evolution lineup in a new one, just replacing West or Ewing for players that could pass for Lou or Jokic and see if it gets you to 106.
It’s not “fool proof” but it gives you a close idea. If you get to 106 ovr with a 104 Lou or Jokic “replacement” i’d say go ahead.

I don’t think they’ll upgrade Elevate on Monday too, but just in case 3 days is not that long of a wait.


All-Star 1
There's still plenty of time to get Kawhi without buying 104-106 players BUT...we're running out of time to actually use him. About two weeks by my estimate.


Pro 1
I figure that at some point 104-106s will drop in price and EA maybe even introduce some other way to get points for 110 Kawhi (whenever they give up on trying to hold AH prices for 104-106s this high, which should be at the same time they introduce more 107-108 cards).

I still think Kawhi will be my 1st 110


All-Star 1
Also, to be safe you should probably upgrade your SG position. Worst case you should need 8 OVR pts so that makes C an iffy option.


All-Star 3
Replicate that Evolution lineup in a new one, just replacing West or Ewing for players that could pass for Lou or Jokic and see if it gets you to 106.
It’s not “fool proof” but it gives you a close idea. If you get to 106 ovr with a 104 Lou or Jokic “replacement” i’d say go ahead.

I don’t think they’ll upgrade Elevate on Monday too, but just in case 3 days is not that long of a wait.
ok will try. thanks


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