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Which tip off heroes are you keeping

I just threw in three tip off elites and got 83 Deandre Jordan. I?m not sure if I want to keep him or keep playing the reroll until I get Simmons.

Which of the 82+ are you planning on keeping?
Anyone have any other 82+ that are not worth passing up?


Rookie 1
I plan on keeping 84 ovr Simmons ( Great AI and he also has a nice 3pt shot, really reminds me of the Prince of Fire card) He?s definitely a keeper if you can pull him! I also recommend the 82 ovr LaMarcus Aldridge, a solid card on both manual and AI.


All-Star 1
I've got Wiggins who I'm gonna keep. He's better than my base Tatum and LeBron. Got elites for 2 more Heroes, depending on what I pull I'm gonna re-roll for Dipo & Mitchell. Nobody else suits my team. Could try & keep DeAndre if I get him but I need 5 balanced players for the full coach boost.

Although i prob won't be able to sell any 82s anyway....


Rookie 1
I just put Aaron Gordon in the re-roll set and pulled Simmons! WTF! My first re-roll! There was no way I was keeping Gordon, his stats mediocre. But I?m keeping Wiggins.


All-Star 1
I just put Aaron Gordon in the re-roll set and pulled Simmons! WTF! My first re-roll! There was no way I was keeping Gordon, his stats mediocre. But I?m keeping Wiggins.

Nice pull! I'm hoping for the same luck since I pulled Gordon too and definitely will be doing a re-roll but I'm waiting since I'm still holding out hope I can get to an 83 OVR.


Rookie 1
I just put Aaron Gordon in the re-roll set and pulled Simmons! WTF! My first re-roll! There was no way I was keeping Gordon, his stats mediocre. But I?m keeping Wiggins.

Nice pull! I'm hoping for the same luck since I pulled Gordon too and definitely will be doing a re-roll but I'm waiting since I'm still holding out hope I can get to an 83 OVR.

At first I thought that with my luck, I?d get Wiggins that I already have! But what do you know! I just played one quarter against 81 ovr ( I?m 82 ovr) and he was stealing the ball from 84 Westbrick so easily! He also went 2/3 for 3. I wish you the best of luck!
I just put Aaron Gordon in the re-roll set and pulled Simmons! WTF! My first re-roll! There was no way I was keeping Gordon, his stats mediocre. But I?m keeping Wiggins.

Nice pull! I'm hoping for the same luck since I pulled Gordon too and definitely will be doing a re-roll but I'm waiting since I'm still holding out hope I can get to an 83 OVR.

I feel like the reroll could help some that are shooting for 83 OVR. Obviously the tokens have to be bought, but rerolling an 82 could spit another 82, or could spit an 84 or 85 and get you closer to 83, so might be helpful for some.
Why are people doing the re-roll? Wouldn't it be more cost effective to sell the heroes and just buy Simmons?

Have you tried selling anything lately, The market is dead.

Besides, you won't make enough from selling an 82 to buy an 84.

In my AH literally every 82-84 is priced in the same range, which is just ....different to see. Heck, the Wilts are even priced in the same range as the 82-84. The only cards I've seen that are not in that range are the 85s, which are a only like 50 thousand more lol.

Of course, though, goooood luck actually selling any hero at allllll.

Edit: Just checked again and the 85s are in the same 360-400K range as well, at least for a start bid.
I dare say those people are overvaluing their 82s.

The best time to sell was on the first day. Since then prices have dropped rapidly. I keep listing my 77-79s but in the back of my head, I know they'll be worth more between promos.

I re-rolled Aldridge into SImmons yesterday so I definitely think the re-roll system is worth it. In fact, it may be the first time in NBALM history that a reroll set actually benefits players. Considering my awful pack luck season, Simmons is by far the best pull I've had.

I also have Gordon and Jordan floating around on the bench. I may re-roll Gordon. Not too sure about Jordan. I tried selling him but he wouldn't go for 300k.
I pulled Wiggins earlier and decided to give him a run over 80 OSM LeBron. He's pretty good. I've always liked Wiggins cards in this game. He just happens to be overshadowed by Lebron and Durant all the time. And Giannis too.

And he's soft in real life which makes him less desirable in-game.


All-Star 1
I pulled Wiggins earlier and decided to give him a run over 80 OSM LeBron. He's pretty good. I've always liked Wiggins cards in this game. He just happens to be overshadowed by Lebron and Durant all the time. And Giannis too.

And he's soft in real life which makes him less desirable in-game.

Couldn't agree more with your assessment. I used 80 base elite Wiggins for quite a while even though he's technically lower ranked than the other base elite SF's on my team.


Rookie 1
Got Wilt and Simmons, i've got no plans to get more heroes so just seling the 78/79 golds and using the rest to makes 80 elites which i'm also selling
I pulled Wiggins earlier and decided to give him a run over 80 OSM LeBron. He's pretty good. I've always liked Wiggins cards in this game. He just happens to be overshadowed by Lebron and Durant all the time. And Giannis too.

And he's soft in real life which makes him less desirable in-game.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I wasn't expecting the last line, almost spit out my drink from laughing


Rookie 2
Trying to get CP3 without buying him, it's his first good card since S1 so I can't miss this opportunity.


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