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Which 80 #Trending Player Did You Pull?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I pulled 80 Porzingis on both accounts and it sucks because him, Elevate Griffin, and Login Markkanen are all balanced PFs


Rookie 1
80 Lou Williams. I didn't have a balanced elite SG yet, so I guess it could have been worse.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
They announced there will be more players coming tomorrow... Right after they gave out a free elite knowing people were gonna open it asap


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I got Kuzma as well, I suppose at least I can get the showdown bonus now, hopefully it doesn't change next week lol.

Haha, it may change mid week knowing EA lol. In case you didn't know, the SD bonus can be got from a bench player, as well. I found a relatively cheap 78-79 trending card in the AH to put on the bench for the bonus.


Rookie 1
Stewie309 said:
They announced there will be more players coming tomorrow... Right after they gave out a free elite knowing people were gonna open it asap

I actually didn?t have a choice in opening or not. It opened automatically once I finished a showdown match. Not sure if it was based on a timer or what.

I pulled a Lonzo. Bleh
I really thought we'd get 81+ since that's all that was out....but of course you can give free cards and have some people get 83s and 84s while so,emget 81s


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