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When will Scary Terry drop


Rookie 1
Was about to spend my coins on some players, but then I remembered that they still need to drop Terry Rozier who I could definitely put in my starting lineup. Does anybody know when he will come out ?


Rookie 1
The news section says to "check back on 10/31 for one last Halloween treat". It's probably safe to assume that'll be Rozier. I wonder what it'll take to get him though.


Rookie 1
The news section says to "check back on 10/31 for one last Halloween treat". It's probably safe to assume that'll be Rozier. I wonder what it'll take to get him though.

I?m also curious. I already completed master AD, but im still grinding the promo and saving up spellbooks as well as gold/elite players just in case his set requires a crazy amount of them (if EA even makes him a ?set? player lol).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
He comes out on Halloween and is most likely a pack card because surprises for us are money making opportunities for them he also got a card art change to match 87 Masked Kyrie as well as another description change
No, it?s not worth buying imo

Isn't 9K cash basically 80-100 actual dollars??? No thanks!! I imagine that those that have ripped open enough packs that give cash on top of players may have an easier time buying him, though ( I think it was certain bundles maybe that give like 2K cash just for buying the bundle, have seen it in different promos).


All-Star 3
worth buying?

Only if this game means more than life to u .. lol..
Or ur rolling in money..
A 97 card wouldnt be worth 100$.. definitely not a 87 card...
If u play the game that much and if our assumptions are right.. just play sd and get the 87 kyrie from showdown


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