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Pro 1
The 29k for silver is what really throws me off, too, lol, I mean, if they were buying it, good for the seller lol. As others said, some days it's hard to sell gold coaches for 10k with 11k BN.....and he's consistently selling silvers for 25k?? Lucrative, lol. I might dip my toe in and buy a silver and see but I'm not holding my breath lol

Found quite a few silver coaches that were priced more than golds lmao. None of which were bid on, or recently sold, of course.

You can find a couple of cools boosts from silver, like the dunk, for example, but at most it's 3 points, vs 4 with gold.

I guess it's really not THAT much of a difference boost wise.
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.

Gotcha. Good finds.

So, I?m guessing that silver coach you "dipped your toe in" actually sold? :lol:


Pro 1
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.

I've seen the bot dropping these coaches with these prices and benefited from it as well. I have no issues with that part.

It's the part about the bot giving you 29k for a card that looked too much in my view.

Bot paying you 18k once (not regularly) for a bronze or 23k for a silver coach was the ceiling I had as possible.

Most of the time I couldn't sell Thibs for more than 7k so I must be missing some details.

edit - quoted poster
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.

Gotcha. Good finds.

So, I?m guessing that silver coach you "dipped your toe in" actually sold? :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Can't even log into the game to check, it's saying network required, but my network works fine to load this site lol
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.

Gotcha. Good finds.

So, I?m guessing that silver coach you "dipped your toe in" actually sold? :lol:

Heavens no it didn't sell lol...but folks have been finding weird kinks in the AH to make coins, wish I did but I'm still a rookie in the AH, but I'm happy for the people that did find a way lol


Rookie 1
Lol i'm so poor compared to the rest of you guys...here goes nothing.

F2P/ P2P: F2P
OVR: 78
Coins: 250k
NBA Cash: about 2700~3000
Rep: not sure, definitely not a lot.
How/Why: I'm trying to put less and less time into this game plus sometimes I'm too lazy to complete daily goals and stuff. Accidentally spent my rep on a Movers KG pack while scrolling.


Rookie 2
Mostly FTP
OVR: 81
Coins: 660k
NBA Cash: 3.8k
Rep: 200k
I no longer snipe at all, and don't play showdown. At least, until there are better rewards.


Rookie 3
F2P/ P2P:
NBA Cash:

OVR: 81
Coins: 1.75m
NBA Cash: 5100
Rep: 570k
How/Why: Have hardly played SD, simply the for daily achievement / Saving NBA cash for 1.5 seasons / bought no packs / sniping and selling depending on whats on the go @ the time

one month later, and we are bout 2 start Harvest promo... actually shocked how much (personally) have progressed:

F2P/ P2P: f2p!!!
OVR: 85
Coins: 5.4m
NBA Cash: 4600 (should have been 6000+ - STUPIDLY spent 1500 thinking i would get that "free" pack...)
Rep: 1.1m
How/Why: hardly playing SD/ grinded HAL, got 2 AD / when the AH collapsed on its receiving freedom, bought a tonne of 82+ when they were cheap..

INTERESTINGLY - couldnt believe that you can add 1000 NBA cash in month.. go figure


Pro 1
F2P/ P2P: F2P
OVR: 83
Coins: 5.8M
NBA Cash: 2.1K
Rep: 15K
How/Why: Sniping. I?ve only been sniping since last Saturday with 400K so I could easily be at 10M+ if I had been sniping for longer, but I?m going to relax until Harvest drops.

Edit: Went to 5.8M after a few snipes last night


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