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Rookie 3
F2P/ P2P:
NBA Cash:

OVR: 81
Coins: 1.75m
NBA Cash: 5100
Rep: 570k
How/Why: Have hardly played SD, simply the for daily achievement / Saving NBA cash for 1.5 seasons / bought no packs / sniping and selling depending on whats on the go @ the time


Rookie 1
F2P/ P2P: f2p
OVR: 82
Coins: 1.55 mil
NBA Cash: 11k
Rep: 200k
How/Why: Didn't play SD at all this season, and only made my coins from playing the AH (and 12+ elites from lvl pro packs but those ofc don't sell and don't need for my LU now ..) and LU from grinding .
About the cash, those been 10k+ since the first days of S2 but didn't use them cuz the packs were not worth buying (unlike S1 packs) and looks like S3 is following S2 in terms of bad packs (even tho I opened few packs last/this season (like 4k cash in S2 and 2/2.5k I think this season ,all from the daily objectives and always try to stay in 10k+)


Pro 1
9894 NBA Cash. There's no way to accumulate that much for free.

If it is stocked from the previous seasons, it's doable

I think that for this post it would make more sense to present the cash balance of s3, and not only the total.

ex. I have around 3300, but this season's balance is only +250


Rookie 1


Rookie 3
Makes me wonder - where can we get bronze or silver coaches aside from ah? I looked at store and sets and only available i can find is the gold coach for 39k rep. Maybe they are so rare that they are selling better than gold coaches. My gold coaches are not selling if not posted for 10 to 15k bn.


Rookie 3
By the way, here's my status on my main account

F2P/ P2P: f2p? I only spent 2$ for harden so not sure if that disqualifies me as f2p...haha
OVR: 82 (just made bought westbrook and griffin to 85)
Coins: 300k
NBA Cash: 6500
Rep: 800k
How/Why: i don't have patience. If i see a card that i know will improve my lineup now i will buy it and never think of the future promo especially if i starting to lose consecutively in sd, that's why i only saved 300k. Also, no time to work in ah even though i know its one of the effective way to improve your franchise especially for f2p. Hope to bring my ovr to 83 or 84 with the tipoff


Pro 1
Yes bro its true. Last 2 weeks you can snipe bronze & silver coaches for 3k below and you can resell it to 20k-29k. .

If you're worried about people not believing you, you can always bring a screenshot of your coin total.

I gotta say that I wasn't skeptical about your total if you are willing to spend all your day in the AH of this game, but those 29k in a silver coach seem a bit off the possible margins.
Yes bro its true. Last 2 weeks you can snipe bronze & silver coaches for 3k below and you can resell it to 20k-29k. .

If you're worried about people not believing you, you can always bring a screenshot of your coin total.

I gotta say that I wasn't skeptical about your total if you are willing to spend all your day in the AH of this game, but those 29k in a silver coach seem a bit off the possible margins.

The 29k for silver is what really throws me off, too, lol, I mean, if they were buying it, good for the seller lol. As others said, some days it's hard to sell gold coaches for 10k with 11k BN.....and he's consistently selling silvers for 25k?? Lucrative, lol. I might dip my toe in and buy a silver and see but I'm not holding my breath lol

Found quite a few silver coaches that were priced more than golds lmao. None of which were bid on, or recently sold, of course.

You can find a couple of cools boosts from silver, like the dunk, for example, but at most it's 3 points, vs 4 with gold.

I guess it's really not THAT much of a difference boost wise.


All-Star 3
F2P/ P2P:f2p
OVR: 82
Coins: 425k
NBA Cash: 9021
Rep: 1.02 mil
Saving cash up to buy a NBA finals player this time..
Dont snipe at all. Earn coins in one promo buy cards in the next if I want to...


Rookie 1
Yes bro its true. Last 2 weeks you can snipe bronze & silver coaches for 3k below and you can resell it to 20k-29k. .

If you're worried about people not believing you, you can always bring a screenshot of your coin total.

I gotta say that I wasn't skeptical about your total if you are willing to spend all your day in the AH of this game, but those 29k in a silver coach seem a bit off the possible margins.

The 29k for silver is what really throws me off, too, lol, I mean, if they were buying it, good for the seller lol. As others said, some days it's hard to sell gold coaches for 10k with 11k BN.....and he's consistently selling silvers for 25k?? Lucrative, lol. I might dip my toe in and buy a silver and see but I'm not holding my breath lol

Found quite a few silver coaches that were priced more than golds lmao. None of which were bid on, or recently sold, of course.

You can find a couple of cools boosts from silver, like the dunk, for example, but at most it's 3 points, vs 4 with gold.

I guess it's really not THAT much of a difference boost wise.
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.
If you're worried about people not believing you, you can always bring a screenshot of your coin total.

I gotta say that I wasn't skeptical about your total if you are willing to spend all your day in the AH of this game, but those 29k in a silver coach seem a bit off the possible margins.

The 29k for silver is what really throws me off, too, lol, I mean, if they were buying it, good for the seller lol. As others said, some days it's hard to sell gold coaches for 10k with 11k BN.....and he's consistently selling silvers for 25k?? Lucrative, lol. I might dip my toe in and buy a silver and see but I'm not holding my breath lol

Found quite a few silver coaches that were priced more than golds lmao. None of which were bid on, or recently sold, of course.

You can find a couple of cools boosts from silver, like the dunk, for example, but at most it's 3 points, vs 4 with gold.

I guess it's really not THAT much of a difference boost wise.
Just as I said last 2 weeks ago, now they fixed it... its kind of a glitch coz bot dropping coaches like 100+ pcs every 5 mins for 1k-3k. And you can resell it as much as 29k and bot buying it.

Gotcha. Good finds.


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