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What to do with TOTW gold players???


Pro 1
Nothing, it looks like. Maybe they'll implement a new set, but they became obsolete late into last season.


Rookie 2
Currently nothing. Either sell or use for training. If you think they'll bring gold to elite exchange back then keep them.
It was removed by default but if they have any sense they'll reintroduce it so people can complete the 5 elite exchange set.


Rookie 2
Gonna keep the players for at least one more week. They should bring back the exchange set to get the TOTY players after all.

Damn player cards need to be recycled I meant...? :p


Rookie 1
I had about 60 totw golds saved up before this promo started. I'm glad I traded them in for elites yesterday before the set went away.

This promo looks pretty bad though. I still can't wrap my head around how worthless those TOTY tokens are.
Anyone else bored out of their minds with this game at the moment due to the state of the TOTY promo? Way to shit the bed, EA! We started getting TOTY tokens months ago so EA had more than enough time to think this one through. Instead, I have zero interest in playing any of the live events, and I can only take so much of SD without a proper diversion in the form of a half decent promo. And I?ll be damned if I?m going to spend any cash on store packs.


Rookie 2
Anyone else bored out of their minds with this game at the moment due to the state of the TOTY promo? Way to shit the bed, EA! We started getting TOTY tokens months ago so EA had more than enough time to think this one through. Instead, I have zero interest in playing any of the live events, and I can only take so much of SD without a proper diversion in the form of a half decent promo. And I?ll be damned if I?m going to spend any cash on store packs.

Yeah. I just spend all my stamina on a single live event and leave.
That's as much care I can give for a promo where the entirety of it is based on buying cash packs.


Rookie 2
This is a great promo to make coins. 91+ elites sell for like 1.5 - 2M in AH. I just bought 97 Simmons with the money I made.

I am just about finishing the grind to get the 91+ elites thru the dang plat tokens.

Will take your advice to sell those 91+ since I spent a pretty sum of coinsto complete the John Starks UL 97 set.
How many 91+ elites were you able to complete? I just completed my first this morning, but note I only had one TOTY token to start things off. Without repeatable live events, exchanges, or the gold daily objective packs, this doesn?t seem that grindable to me, especially beyond your first 91+ elite player or 2, depending on how many TOTY tokens you started out with.
This is a great promo to make coins. 91+ elites sell for like 1.5 - 2M in AH. I just bought 97 Simmons with the money I made.
How many 91+ elites were you able to complete? I just completed my first this morning, but note I only had one TOTY token to start things off. Without repeatable live events, exchanges, or the gold daily objective packs, this doesn?t seem that grindable to me, especially beyond your first 91+ elite player or 2, depending on how many TOTY tokens you started out with.
This is a great promo to make coins. 91+ elites sell for like 1.5 - 2M in AH. I just bought 97 Simmons with the money I made.

I completed 2 elites. I had 4 TOTY tokens. that's 8 plat tokens. get 2 more from exchange sets.

Sold both (94 Houston & 91 Whiteside) for more than 3 millions.

There is no way i can get 10 elites before the promo ends, so I will sell everything & then I will buy the platinum I want in the AH.


All-Star 1
You can get 10 91?s for under 10mil. Problem is the chance Plat set. Should be able to almost break even though depending on the pull. I?m waiting for a position I need though. Missed PF so waiting on PG or SG now. Worst case I can upgrade my bench but most likely sell.


All-Star 3
You can get 10 91?s for under 10mil. Problem is the chance Plat set. Should be able to almost break even though depending on the pull. I?m waiting for a position I need though. Missed PF so waiting on PG or SG now. Worst case I can upgrade my bench but most likely sell.

Aren't the set pulls unauctionable?.. did someone confirm that they are auctionable.. wasn't sure if the players in the AH were from packs or the set
You can get 10 91?s for under 10mil. Problem is the chance Plat set. Should be able to almost break even though depending on the pull. I?m waiting for a position I need though. Missed PF so waiting on PG or SG now. Worst case I can upgrade my bench but most likely sell.

The 98-99 plats from the sets are unauctionable. Thats the BIG problem.
You can get 10 91?s for under 10mil. Problem is the chance Plat set. Should be able to almost break even though depending on the pull. I?m waiting for a position I need though. Missed PF so waiting on PG or SG now. Worst case I can upgrade my bench but most likely sell.

Aren't the set pulls unauctionable?.. did someone confirm that they are auctionable.. wasn't sure if the players in the AH were from packs or the set
As for now they are unauctionable. 100-101 Store plats are the ones auctionable.


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