Rookie 1
At this moment in the season noone specifically..
I find kg usually has good ai.. makes his shots, gets open and gets rebounds..
Any of the buzzer beater players are annoying in SD.. as u tend to lose track when it activates and in close matches it s a pain
im surprised with the shift away from LM.. i still find him highly effective on offense and a decent shot blocker bcz of his reach.I've been thinking about switching back to KD from Ghost Markkanen because he seems like the best AI and manual PF right now. LM is "fine" but maybe I should sell him for now with more ability players on the way?
I sold him for 2.365M yesterday. Haven't missed a beat with 93 KG and rebounding is far surprised with the shift away from LM.. i still find him highly effective on offense and a decent shot blocker bcz of his reach.I've been thinking about switching back to KD from Ghost Markkanen because he seems like the best AI and manual PF right now. LM is "fine" but maybe I should sell him for now with more ability players on the way?
Ya appreciated KG s defence and his AI is still great.. but with my gameplay lauri seems to be more effective..I sold him for 2.365M yesterday. Haven't missed a beat with 93 KG and rebounding is far surprised with the shift away from LM.. i still find him highly effective on offense and a decent shot blocker bcz of his reach.I've been thinking about switching back to KD from Ghost Markkanen because he seems like the best AI and manual PF right now. LM is "fine" but maybe I should sell him for now with more ability players on the way?
I did ask myself if selling now is the right choice because I started wondering what will happen to prices once they raise the caps on the higher OVR players. Will these ability players rise in value because the higher OVR players are unaffordable? Might happen...who knows.