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What is this token for?


Rookie 1
I pulled this token out of the Ewing token set and I was wondering if any of you knew what it was for. Thanks!



Pro 1
They should give one to Westbrook for breaking Oscar Robertson?s record that was set over half a century ago.


Pro 1
They should give one to Westbrook for breaking Oscar Robertson?s record that was set over half a century ago.

Yes, I agree!
Absolutely! This is the only season I haven't used a Westbrook card yet so getting a high ovr Westbrook would be nice.

The few weeks his BF 90 was out, the damage was lethal. Amazing shooting for his mediocre stats, and couldn?t be stopped on the drive. I just hope he gets an exclusive dunk package if he were to get a card.

However, EA loves leaving Westbrook out... How the hell does he get a 98 for winning MVP in S1 but KD gets a 99 with double clutch for winning FMVP in one of the weakest (if not the weakest) championships of all time? Lol


Pro 1
They should give one to Westbrook for breaking Oscar Robertson?s record that was set over half a century ago.

Yes, I agree!
Absolutely! This is the only season I haven't used a Westbrook card yet so getting a high ovr Westbrook would be nice.

There are 2 elevate Westbrooks. I keep re-using at least 3 of my elevate players.

Elevate is a interesting concept but with one major flaw: you should be able to choose which elevate players you get.


Rookie 3
They should make elevate players auctionable. Since i have to start all over again since my accounts got deleted all i have are the free 70s and with the tps and coin requirements it won?t be practical to train one to their max level. Or just make the free ones at least 85+.


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