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What is the next promo?


Rookie 1
NOt sure if this is the place to post it. but my 105 Curry (the 50 set) seem to have lost his 3pt Clutch even though the set info says he should still have it.

Any duggestions


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
NOt sure if this is the place to post it. but my 105 Curry (the 50 set) seem to have lost his 3pt Clutch even though the set info says he should still have it.

Any duggestions
Yeah definitely not the place for it but it's both 105 and 106 Curry which sucks their sets set they still have clutch though


Rookie 1
Has anyone got the 104 DPOTYN Paul George?

While it obviously makes sense....I want to confirm his boost is Steal, as the card art shows the symbol for mid-range boost



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Has anyone got the 104 DPOTYN Paul George?

While it obviously makes sense....I want to confirm his boost is Steal, as the card art shows the symbol for mid-range boost

It's steal even though it shows inside paint shot Tomh showed a picture about all the boost yesterday


Pro 2
It's steal even though it shows inside paint shot Tomh showed a picture about all the boost yesterday
Those 104s with +4 Steal, on ball, and block are the handiest cards in the promo next to the masters *with* boost.

I’m a little surprised they didn’t give the winner in each category a +1 ovr boost.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Those 104s with +4 Steal, on ball, and block are the handiest cards in the promo next to the masters *with* boost.

I’m a little surprised they didn’t give the winner in each category a +1 ovr boost.
Yeah the DPOY nominees and masters are the only ones worth a damn imo


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