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We Need Open All Packs Function!


Rookie 1
Im tired of opening every pack one by one, plus the animation is too slow also!

We need a function to click on each pack we wanna open (just like clicking on training items) and have those selected packs transfer into one massive pack. It would be amazing and it would be like a massive cornucopia pack.


Rookie 2
I just opened 57 bonus packs I accumulated during the interim period.
It took me almost half an hour...
But i got the the 80 curry fast J


Pro 1
Doesn?t Madden have this feature? Except you don?t have to keep going into the unclaimed item interface


Rookie 1
I can see why they might not implement this for packs where the contents is random, but there are some packs that contain the same thing every time (rocket token, spellbooks in the halloween promo etc). There's no reason not to have the feature for those type of packs, at least.
Doesn?t Madden have this feature? Except you don?t have to keep going into the unclaimed item interface

Yes it does. In madden you just tap all the packs you want to open to highlight them, then tap open packs and it will open all the packs you selected. It saves so much time.


All-Star 1
I can see why they might not implement this for packs where the contents is random, but there are some packs that contain the same thing every time (rocket token, spellbooks in the halloween promo etc). There's no reason not to have the feature for those type of packs, at least.
Thanks for the reminder. :cry: I've got a crap ton of unopened Harden packs from playing the first wins...f me.


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