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Very hard to sell elite coaches

It is very hard, if not impossible, to sell program elite coaches. I been trying to sell and I have been posting for about 6000 coins, yet they still don?t sell. I need coins badly to buy the tip off set pack, which cost 9999 coins. What should I do?


Pro 1
Elite coaches seem to have a floor of 19k, so lower than that shouldn't get you anywhere.

with values around 19k/20k, maybe you'll get lucky.

But that market is too saturated, so the expectation should be no-sale either way.
I agree, edlilpt. I find it hard to make coins. So far I managed to get 7 elites but only 1 hero so far. The tough part isn?t getting the heroes, is getting those tokens. Those tokens cost 10k coins. It takes me forever to grind. I might go after that Isiah instead given how I want to improve my overall


Pro 1
I agree, edlilpt. I find it hard to make coins. So far I managed to get 7 elites but only 1 hero so far. The tough part isn?t getting the heroes, is getting those tokens. Those tokens cost 10k coins. It takes me forever to grind. I might go after that Isiah instead given how I want to improve my overall

hmmm, I think that if your doubt was Isiah vs Wilt, Isiah is way harder in comparison.

are you playing the first wins of events like the thunder Harden that refreshes? those give good coins that may be helpful when the coin total is short.


All-Star 1
Yeah, if you don't have 9k coins for a token pack, no way you'll get Isiah even if they extended the promo another month. Sounds like you should try for as many heroes as you can & hope for Wilt.

If you play first win for all events and complete both Jackpot events, depending on how much time you have to play each day.....you can bank 10-20k coins per day from events.


Rookie 3
That 10-20k is lucky now, can't sell anything in AH1 as of this evening, nuttin!
Isaiah isn't worth the pain of 5-6 hero's.. And now having spent 1m, +1.5m won't sell..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If you didn't have around 1 mil it was a bad idea to go after Wilt and especially bad to go after Thomas you should sell everything you can because you made a mistake no reason to make it worse
If you didn't have around 1 mil it was a bad idea to go after Wilt and especially bad to go after Thomas you should sell everything you can because you made a mistake no reason to make it worse

Why? I got Wilt today and spent only about 200-250k on tokens, all grind. You might be right about Thomas though unless I get lucky and pull a couple 83-84s in the exchange it's proving difficult getting to 83 ovr. I keep getting duplicate 82s while watching my coins dwindle. At this rate I'll be broke and still have a 81ovr tip off lineup.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If you didn't have around 1 mil it was a bad idea to go after Wilt and especially bad to go after Thomas you should sell everything you can because you made a mistake no reason to make it worse

Why? I got Wilt today and spent only about 200-250k on tokens, all grind. You might be right about Thomas though unless I get lucky and pull a couple 83-84s in the exchange it's proving difficult getting to 83 ovr. I keep getting duplicate 82s while watching my coins dwindle. At this rate I'll be broke and still have a 81ovr tip off lineup.

It takes capital and building 3 heroes at 200k a piece is 600k and since it's very hard to sell any hero that isn't 85+ you're stuck keeping the 3 heroes and maybe Wilt too and having at least several 100k at all times is a must with how the AH is set up you never want to spend half or more of your coins on a promo when you can't get any coins out of it at this point for the auctionable cards


Rookie 3
I started this promo with 350k coins, 700 rep, 10 80ovr elites and 82 ovr lineup. Now i am at 84 ovr with tip-off lineup of 82, rep down to 400 and 3 more 80ovr elites to exchange and 300k coins. Maybe i got lucky with my pulls (84 simmon, 83 hayward and 85 oladipo with 1 reroll) but i think you don't have to spend that much in this promo. I just sell all my 75 to 79 golds which i use to buy 80 tipoff elites then use the 74 golds below in heroes set. But i'll still see until i get that isaiah.


All-Star 1
I think you could get Wilt with very little coin in the bank (if you had some base elites sitting in inventory). Admittedly I had 950k when the prmo dropped. But I haven't sold anything other than golds and I'm at 834k right now. That's AFTER I spent 400k on 83 Lillard when they started showing up in the AH. So I'd have over a mil easily with Wilt & 3 heroes if I hadn't bought Dame. Sure, I had coin to buy tokens but I didn't even start selling golds til a couple days into the promo. Though coins are def necessary for Isaiah.


Rookie 1
Got Isiah Thomas today, after building 5 Tip-off Heroes and Wilt.
I started from 500k and some reps. Selling golds and my entire household just to get Isiah.
But now I don?t have coins and slowly grinding coins again.

After trying Isiah, I feel like Ben Simmons 84 is better than him. Now I feel robbed, and can?t even sell the tip off heroes in the AH and Elite Coaches as well.

From 81 to 84 over, a little compensation for my effort after the long grind.


All-Star 1
Got Isiah Thomas today, after building 5 Tip-off Heroes and Wilt.
I started from 500k and some reps. Selling golds and my entire household just to get Isiah.
But now I don?t have coins and slowly grinding coins again.

After trying Isiah, I feel like Ben Simmons 84 is better than him. Now I feel robbed, and can?t even sell the tip off heroes in the AH and Elite Coaches as well.

From 81 to 84 over, a little compensation for my effort after the long grind.

That's awful man. And the only reason it's awful is bc the AH doesn't allow you to auction anything anymore. If you could simply sell the players you don't want or need, you'd be in good shape again coin-wise and still have a better team than before the promo, right? EA needs to figure their shit out, like yesterday.
That's rough, but at least you got a kickass lineup out of it. Halloween will be here Monday and you will probably be able to make a bunch more coins there if you focus on that. I came very close to spending a bit too much, and have before in the past so I know the feeling. Almost did it this time, but just decided I'll slow down since we still have 5-6 more days of this promo.

You put yourself in position to focus fully on Halloween, which I think will benefit you since you since you won't have to deal with the devalued tipoffs
Got Isiah Thomas today, after building 5 Tip-off Heroes and Wilt.
I started from 500k and some reps. Selling golds and my entire household just to get Isiah.
But now I don?t have coins and slowly grinding coins again.

After trying Isiah, I feel like Ben Simmons 84 is better than him. Now I feel robbed, and can?t even sell the tip off heroes in the AH and Elite Coaches as well.

From 81 to 84 over, a little compensation for my effort after the long grind.

That's awful man. And the only reason it's awful is bc the AH doesn't allow you to auction anything anymore. If you could simply sell the players you don't want or need, you'd be in good shape again coin-wise and still have a better team than before the promo, right? EA needs to figure their shit out, like yesterday.

Thing is, they did figure their shit out, in their eyes. They put coin packs in the store, and killed the AH. Just as planned, lol. I don't remember seeing coin packs last season. No one would buy them anyways, so now their plan is to limit how much we make and maybe force us to buy cash or coins. It's been said many, many times, however, the person that's playing the auction house to build coins isn't the person that's gonna buy coins/cash packs in the first place! (Especially at those ridiculous prices).

Reminds me of the amount of coins they give out for these grueling achievements lol. 1000 blocks, here come get 1000 coins! Maybe that one is rep, I forget but you get the picture. Some of those achievement awards that give coins are so pathetic, lol.


Rookie 1
I hope by tomorrow we can sell our Elite Heroes. For they will be useless as they will be replace by the Next Gen Masters by tomorrow or next week.


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