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United Ballerz Club Recruiting Thread


Rookie 2
Edited Post:

We just tied #55 and we are really only losing to the top 100s at this point. We need 92+ members so we can take that next step, anyone interested please join or pm me!!!

We have a great active league and usually play all of our 40 qtrs. Many forum members.


Edit: Only accepting 91+ at this time


Rookie 2
Re: Recruiting: United Ballerz Club 1/2

we picked up a great member here and are looking for more. avg rating is 79 and plays both qtrs every game.


Rookie 1
Re: Recruiting: United Ballerz Club 1/2

I am willing to join, my username is Watermelon3 and im 78 ovr, level 31. I am a live event grinder and I don't play showdown as much, but I am able to average +15 margins.


Rookie 1
Re: Recruiting: United Ballerz Club 1/2

I am willing to join, my username is MyNameJeff. I'm the lakers and my profile pic is a black screen. I am a 77 ovr and am close to harden


Rookie 2
Re: Recruiting: United Ballerz Club 1/2

Hi, I am interested.

I am 80 overall playing since S1

Username AnnieGartner


Rookie 2
Re: Recruiting: United Ballerz Club 1/2

5 straight wins. ramizi, u are invited. so far we are 18-7. we somehow ran into several top 100 teams already so we are better than our record.


Rookie 2
Re: I am now Commish: United Ballerz Club 1 Recruiting

Just beat a team ranked 108 "Grind 2 Ugly" we are looking for top members. We haven't missed a qtr in 4 tourneys!


Rookie 2
Re: 10 in a row: United Ballerz Club 1 Recruiting

Thx! We finally have a group who plays 98% of drives. In fact my dumba$$ was the last to miss a qtr which i never do lol!


Rookie 2
Re: United Ballerz Club 1 Recruiting

streak is over and now playing #47 medved which should be an L. Looking for members to get us to that top tier of teams!!!


Rookie 2
Re: United Ballerz Club 1 Recruiting

Just beat a team ranked 117, actually playing them back to back, has some nbalivecommunity members in it, lol


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