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Underrated cards relegated to base-silvers


Pro 1
Ah forgot abt the coach

here's what I got for now https://i.imgur.com/yNqaDnW.png

the 62 starting silvers and bronzes under 59 can't really count* since we can't pull them.

+1...I'd love to know which teams have enough players without elites so I can just change my team, get the Achievement and change back?

Even without searching that much in the silver world Atlanta is the Eastern team that can go 11/11 in my list - no missing position and highest is a 77.


Pro 1

this is what i have got till now

I completed the Nuggets team with


IT 75 would have been cheaper than Murray.

And the Brown you mentioned as SG is Bucks' Sterling brown card with a wrong picture (T.Craig).


Pro 1
this is what i have got till now

With that and my list I'm getting a table for the 30 teams.

Only cards in the 79-59 range. And no starting cards like Fultz 62.

Should be able to post it in a hour or so. 18 teams already with 10/11 or 11/11


All-Star 3
Ok cool
Btw related to the topic of the thread.. was surprised to see zebo only getting a silver this season


Pro 1
Here's the current picture https://i.imgur.com/8WPqVbr.png


As said above, only cards we can pick in the ah or packs in the 79-59 range. lowest ovr whenever possible.

I guess Torch's book could probably help with some of the missing bits, but that's for a further update.

That said, if anyone has a better overview of their team, feel free to help us.
As I was writing this I already noticed a 68 Rabb that is a bit cheaper than 79 Gasol.

One only position I didn't get a single player was Cavs SF. I assume Cedi is the one, but I'm yet to see it.
For Pelicans centers, I've seen Ajinca but he's below 59ovr. And I think it's the same for Mavs' Mejri


Pro 1
With most markets crashing, I finally spotted a few Trey Lyles - it's a 68ovr and Kyle Korver.

John Henson 69ovr, Justin Holiday 67 ovr are others that I hadn't seen yet.


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