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Underrated cards relegated to base-silvers


Pro 1
As we were finishing collecting the 75-79 golds list I wondered if cards like Kelly Oubre, TJ Warren or Dennis Schroeder were still missing but they are all silvers
  • Schr?der is a 69
  • Teodosi? is a 67
  • TJ warren is a 67
  • Kelly Oubre is a 66

And they all look a bit underrated to me

People joining the game only in this season 3 need these silvers as they progress in ovr, while many others use them in the gold set, so most of the time, silvers are just as rare in the AH as the average 75-79 gold, if not more.

So, what other cards relegated to silver or eventually bronze (that are simply out of the AH) would you say are being underrated?


Pro 1
it looks like this was not a very popular post :lol:

Did anyone spot a Trey Lyles card? If so, what's his ovr?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Hard to find but Rose got a 65 overall card which is preposterous and they used the same picture as the 74 overall base card (pretty sure it was that one) from last season so the picture still has him in a Cavs jersey
Hard to find but Rose got a 65 overall card which is preposterous and they used the same picture as the 74 overall base card (pretty sure it was that one) from last season so the picture still has him in a Cavs jersey

(Maybe classified as overrated card lol ) but holy cow did they overdo it a bit on Lauri? I love the kid, too, heck of a player but wow he is probably the best PF in the game at base 80. I blocked him and that was the highlight of the match lol. He's a magnet for offensive rebounds.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Hard to find but Rose got a 65 overall card which is preposterous and they used the same picture as the 74 overall base card (pretty sure it was that one) from last season so the picture still has him in a Cavs jersey

(Maybe classified as overrated card lol ) but holy cow did they overdo it a bit on Lauri? I love the kid, too, heck of a player but wow he is probably the best PF in the game at base 80. I blocked him and that was the highlight of the match lol. He's a magnet for offensive rebounds.

His cards are fun to use for sure I pulled one on my alt but sold it before the cap change and it was worth it because without it that team would be horrible


Pro 1
Hard to find but Rose got a 65 overall card which is preposterous and they used the same picture as the 74 overall base card (pretty sure it was that one) from last season so the picture still has him in a Cavs jersey

(Maybe classified as overrated card lol ) but holy cow did they overdo it a bit on Lauri? I love the kid, too, heck of a player but wow he is probably the best PF in the game at base 80. I blocked him and that was the highlight of the match lol. He's a magnet for offensive rebounds.

I agree with Lauri being a great card at the moment in AI. Gets in position to shoot a 3 without hesitation a lot better than other PFs. He misses a lot of post-shots tho :)

and to be fair, Rose's regular season last year wasn't good at all. I think Calderon is a 62 and at times was producing more.
Things were different in the playoffs with the Wolves - and after all he already has an 82 card.

Schroeder, mentioned initially, also got a reasonable 76 movers-gold


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Hard to find but Rose got a 65 overall card which is preposterous and they used the same picture as the 74 overall base card (pretty sure it was that one) from last season so the picture still has him in a Cavs jersey

(Maybe classified as overrated card lol ) but holy cow did they overdo it a bit on Lauri? I love the kid, too, heck of a player but wow he is probably the best PF in the game at base 80. I blocked him and that was the highlight of the match lol. He's a magnet for offensive rebounds.

I agree with Lauri being a great card at the moment in AI. Gets in position to shoot a 3 without hesitation a lot better than other PFs. He misses a lot of post-shots tho :)

and to be fair, Rose's regular season last year wasn't good at all. I think Calderon is a 62 and at times was producing more.
Things were different in the playoffs with the Wolves - and after all he already has an 82 card.

Schroeder, mentioned initially, also got a reasonable 76 movers-gold

His talent is way better then a 65 Rose fan or not and the 82 isn't a base card which was the point of this thread if I'm not mistaken there are worse players then Rose with better cards (including Knight who didn't even play last year) he had an 11.5 PER last year which isn't bad at all and better then Calderon's then in the playoffs it isn't even close who played better as Rose has almost 3 times the PER of Calderon while arguably being the best or 2nd best player on the Wolves in that series and their best scorer while Rose is still a great player but there is no mistake that playing with LeBron will not make you play better for as good of a player as he is every player plays worse with him not just from a numbers standpoint

But anyways he played way better on the Wolves despite more individual talent on that team and should have gotten a gold base card and a picture from being on the Wolves


Pro 1
if I'm not mistaken there are worse players then Rose with better cards including Knight who didn't even play last year

Yeah i can agree with you there, as base Brandon Knight is a 70 and I was already suggesting that 'Playoffs Rose' was already worthy of more.

Meanwhile I continue to look for Trey Lyles but no success xD I have a vague idea that it may be a starting bronze, but even after scouting line-ups in abandoned leagues I still can't find a single one.

I also wonder what rating are they giving to a traded Kenneth Faried.

Not a silver, but also worth mentioning in this post is the rollercoaster of Willy Hernang?mez. Ignored in s1 despite being all rookie team. Last year it was a base elite and now it is only a bronze.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
if I'm not mistaken there are worse players then Rose with better cards including Knight who didn't even play last year

Yeah i can agree with you there, as base Brandon Knight is a 70 and I was already suggesting that 'Playoffs Rose' was already worthy of more.

Meanwhile I continue to look for Trey Lyles but no success xD I have a vague idea that it may be a starting bronze, but even after scouting line-ups in abandoned leagues I still can't find a single one.

I also wonder what rating are they giving to a traded Kenneth Faried.

Not a silver, but also worth mentioning in this post is the rollercoaster of Willy Hernang?mez. Ignored in s1 despite being all rookie team. Last year it was a base elite and now it is only a bronze.

Yeah I haven't seen a Lyles yet either and as for Hernangomez that is the issue with making 5 base elites for every team last year hell Ron Baker who hasn't done anything in the NBA got a base elite


Pro 1
Yeah I haven't seen a Lyles yet either and as for Hernangomez that is the issue with making 5 base elites for every team last year hell Ron Baker who hasn't done anything in the NBA got a base elite

I was looking for Lyles to complete the team line-up achievement, but thankfully coaches also count as 1 of 10 here so that's done now.

and yeah. It was good to see that they didn't insist in that full-base-elite line-up for each team.

I think Baker is a bronze as well this s3. And IRL I only recall the time that AD dunked on him and his eye was messed up.
They ended giving an elite to Ntilikina at some point in season2 but even him got relegated to a silver - which seems fair.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah I haven't seen a Lyles yet either and as for Hernangomez that is the issue with making 5 base elites for every team last year hell Ron Baker who hasn't done anything in the NBA got a base elite

I was looking for Lyles to complete the team line-up achievement, but thankfully coaches also count as 1 of 10 here so that's done now.

and yeah. It was good to see that they didn't insist in that full-base-elite line-up for each team.

I think Baker is a bronze as well this s3. And IRL I only recall the time that AD dunked on him and his eye was messed up.
They ended giving an elite to Ntilikina at some point in season2 but even him got relegated to a silver - which seems fair.

Yeah like Lonzo Ntilikina had one of the 3 worst shooting percentages for a rookie with 500 or more shot attempts


All-Star 3
Yeah I haven't seen a Lyles yet either and as for Hernangomez that is the issue with making 5 base elites for every team last year hell Ron Baker who hasn't done anything in the NBA got a base elite

I was looking for Lyles to complete the team line-up achievement, but thankfully coaches also count as 1 of 10 here so that's done now.

and yeah. It was good to see that they didn't insist in that full-base-elite line-up for each team.

I think Baker is a bronze as well this s3. And IRL I only recall the time that AD dunked on him and his eye was messed up.
They ended giving an elite to Ntilikina at some point in season2 but even him got relegated to a silver - which seems fair.

Yeah like Lonzo Ntilikina had one of the 3 worst shooting percentages for a rookie with 500 or more shot attempts
That was a very weird statline.. out of the top 5 worst rookie percentages .. 3 were from last year..


Pro 1
Yeah like Lonzo Ntilikina had one of the 3 worst shooting percentages for a rookie with 500 or more shot attempts
That was a very weird statline.. out of the top 5 worst rookie percentages .. 3 were from last year..

Monk being the other that qualifies to the stat?

By the way, do you guys think it's worth opening a post to list bronze and elites?

We won't care too much about them, but it could be useful to those with the same goal I had - finishing the 'your line up is your team' achievement, and people want to know if their team players are in the game or not.


All-Star 3
Yeah like Lonzo Ntilikina had one of the 3 worst shooting percentages for a rookie with 500 or more shot attempts
That was a very weird statline.. out of the top 5 worst rookie percentages .. 3 were from last year..

Monk being the other that qualifies to the stat?

By the way, do you guys think it's worth opening a post to list bronze and elites?

We won't care too much about them, but it could be useful to those with the same goal I had - finishing the 'your line up is your team' achievement, and people want to know if their team players are in the game or not.
Was thinking of a team wise thread along the similar lines..
Maybe a cheapest option sort of thread.. rather than listing all bronzes and silvers


Pro 1
Was thinking of a team wise thread along the similar lines..
Maybe a cheapest option sort of thread.. rather than listing all bronzes and silvers

Sounds good. Wanna go ahead then? I guess we'll end listing most cards tho :p as these are indeed the cheapest


All-Star 1
By the way, do you guys think it's worth opening a post to list bronze and elites?

We won't care too much about them, but it could be useful to those with the same goal I had - finishing the 'your line up is your team' achievement, and people want to know if their team players are in the game or not.
+1...I'd love to know which teams have enough players without elites so I can just change my team, get the Achievement and change back?


Pro 1
Weird that are there no bronzes and silvers in the AH.. other than the promo silvers...

which is why it's harder to know about them, and the origin in my interest in the list. No bronze player saw the AH this year AFAIK and the silvers are just as rare top golds.

for both cases, our best option is to search for abandoned leagues and players that stopped around that low silver ovr. it's kinda boring tho xD

I'm already listing everything I'm finding in the format: [Coach] - [PG and PG] - [SG and SG] - [SF - SF] - [PF - PF] - [C - C]

For example, the 76ers isn't too bad

? 76ers - [Gold Brown] - [Shamet 70/Bayless 64] - [Fultz 62*/Smith 62] - [L-Cabarot 63/J.Anderson 61] - [Saric 79] - [Embiid 75+/Amir 74]

And since the coach can count towards the 10/10, you don't need the missing PF.


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