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UA Rush Campaign Timer Vs. Set Timer


Rookie 1
Was wondering if whether the campign will end this 30th (as shown in the campaign timer) and the sets will just lay there with no way of completing or they're gonna reset the campaign until July 6 only (shown in the sey timer)

If this was asked and answered before please ignore...thanks


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Campaign ends July 1st at 6 AM ET but the sets ends July 6th at 6 AM ET the timers are correct there will be a new campaign with a new Monthly Master they gave extra days on the sets because they require tokens that we've gathered for 2 months that won't have a use when July starts because the wildcard tokens aren't actually wildcards they're UA tokens in disguise


Rookie 1
If thats the case then Im not gonna be able to complete 106 curry...i stopped and shift focus from 106 embiid to 105 curry in the hopes of completing 106 curry thinking there will be enough time and a campaign to complete the set before the july 6 deadline. I should have known...My bad..😭😭😭

Anyway, thanks stew


Rookie 3
Where have you come across that wildcards are just UA cards?
With the crossover on Monday, we will see I guess so it really doesn't matter :)


All-Star 3
Where have you come across that wildcards are just UA cards?
With the crossover on Monday, we will see I guess so it really doesn't matter :)
Jenny and Brian said UA tokens and wildcards cant be used.. which I found weird.. but ya not quick selling them till monday


Rookie 3
how awesome for EA to fist us again.. the defn of a wildcard to them is mystcal.. could have easily added "UA Wildcard".. anyways, i have fingers crossed as wll be just short of the new embiid..


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