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Training Values & Requirements (S2)


Rookie 2
How many Training Points is one card worth:

How many Training Points are required to upgrade:

Cards that don't follow the pattern :
(missing Perfect Present Westbrook & Doorbuster Kawhi Leonard that can be trained 15 times each)

Also calculated the pattern for overalls that we don't have info for:

From this, the absolute average growth per level is approximately 50%.
So upgrading to lvl 3 will require 1.5 times more TP than the previous level. Same for further levels.

Total TP needed to max a card is calculated by this formula:

TPmax = k * LVL2_requirement
k = 13 for nearly all overalls.
k = 14 for 80, 82 & 94 OVR cards.
or k = 13.19 on average

Any other info you'd like me to add ?


Rookie 1
Re: Card Training Values

Good shit bruh. I took screenshots of the ones on gg a couple of days ago just in case but this is way better.

EDIT: You should put this thread in blue title, underneath the maxed card and card review section.


Rookie 1
Re: Training Values & Requirements

Thanks a lot. Could you post the gold requirement per upgrade as well? the platinum ones seem a lot more expensive.


All-Star 1
Re: Training Values & Requirements

Thanks, this is nice to have here as well. The additional coin/cash requirements would be great.


Rookie 1
Re: Training Values & Requirements

Hey Alex, now that we have cards beyond 99 is it possible to extend spreadsheet? Cheers.


Rookie 2
Re: Training Values & Requirements

Hey Alex, now that we have cards beyond 99 is it possible to extend spreadsheet? Cheers.

The problem is I don't have any of those 100+ OVR cards. I'd update if someone posted their TP values. As for training requirements, the pattern stays for all cards. Every level requires 50% more TP than the previous so it's easy to find the total TP to max without expanding the table.

Also my username is not in any way related to Alex.


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