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Training points for 100+ ovr


Rookie 1
Can somebody tell me the training points required for levels 3, 4 & 5? Also it's the same amount of points for 102-105 ovr, right?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
All 100+ cards are the same and it's roughly that could be exacts idk since I've only maxed one and didn't take screenshots of the TP and coin amounts but that is from a guy in a group chat so 3, 4, and 5 could be off a bit but I know 2 and 6 are right
2= 850k
3= 1.3 mil
4= 1.95 mil
5= 2.9 mil
6= 4.35 mil


Rookie 1
All 100+ cards are the same and it's roughly that could be exacts idk since I've only maxed one and didn't take screenshots of the TP and coin amounts but that is from a guy in a group chat so 3, 4, and 5 could be off a bit but I know 2 and 6 are right
2= 850k
3= 1.3 mil
4= 1.95 mil
5= 2.9 mil
6= 4.35 mil

I guess that's good enough. Thanks Stewie!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
All 100+ cards are the same and it's roughly that could be exacts idk since I've only maxed one and didn't take screenshots of the TP and coin amounts but that is from a guy in a group chat so 3, 4, and 5 could be off a bit but I know 2 and 6 are right
2= 850k
3= 1.3 mil
4= 1.95 mil
5= 2.9 mil
6= 4.35 mil

I guess that's good enough. Thanks Stewie!

You're welcome it should be the exact amounts honestly


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