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Rookie 1
It's gonna be TOUGHHH to get to 83, well as f2p, of course. Getting 2 85 heroes along with a 5 matched elite coach would obviously increase the chances. Only thing is these coaches only boost 5 instead of 7 like normal, and I think the preview actually had a boost of 8!

It seems that most tipoff coaches can boost up to +8 except Quin Snyder. I hope that was a mistake and will get fixed.
Hopefully Stewie can forward this to EA.

wow. I pulled Snyder so naturally I just assumed all the others had the same boosts.

I actually bought him from AH with the hope of +8 def boost like the other tipoff coaches just to be left with a bad surprise that his max boost is +5. :(


All-Star 1
My non elite exchange account has a higher OVR than my elite exchange account. And I got elite dupes on that account. Of course I?m locked out of some stuff on the first account but there isn?t a huge advantage to doing the exchange.

I've got one elite from doing the exchange. I also had to buy like 3 sets of tokens to turn silvers into golds and I'm at a 75 with a single elite and about 7 golds for the elite set. Basically I've done all the events once that I've been able to unlock as well as the blitz sets and the legacy head start. I haven't bought any players in the AH yet so what exactly is the criteria you are using to make the statement that the elite exchange isn't a huge advantage? I agree it's not "huge" but it's definitely a big benefit to get your OVR to 80 sooner rather than later. 83 is still going to be very difficult in my opinion - even with several lucky pulls.

It wasn?t an advantage for me because I am a 73 OVR on one account with two Ricky Rubios and a 74 OVR on the other. The elite coach helped unlock the hard West blitz event and I?m one more elite exchange away from getting a hero but I?m not that far ahead of my main account. I wouldn?t snipe an elite just to do the exchange personally. Just buy a cheap coach.
I'm honestly not sure how but I have 12 "extra" base elites. I only pulled one from a pro pack very early on. This is a great set for me to exchange my base elites and the coach is a great bonus since I've been playing with a gold since day 1.
It can definitely come in handy if you don't mind buying a ton of tokens, that's the only thing. For some, if that's the price of getting the player they want, then so be it, lol. That's just not for me, personally.


Rookie 1
Do you get the 86 masters card by completing the campaign? that campaign is $$$ grab :( is there any other way of getting these cards?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I've got one elite from doing the exchange. I also had to buy like 3 sets of tokens to turn silvers into golds and I'm at a 75 with a single elite and about 7 golds for the elite set. Basically I've done all the events once that I've been able to unlock as well as the blitz sets and the legacy head start. I haven't bought any players in the AH yet so what exactly is the criteria you are using to make the statement that the elite exchange isn't a huge advantage? I agree it's not "huge" but it's definitely a big benefit to get your OVR to 80 sooner rather than later. 83 is still going to be very difficult in my opinion - even with several lucky pulls.

It's gonna be TOUGHHH to get to 83, well as f2p, of course. Getting 2 85 heroes along with a 5 matched elite coach would obviously increase the chances. Only thing is these coaches only boost 5 instead of 7 like normal, and I think the preview actually had a boost of 8!

It seems that most tipoff coaches can boost up to +8 except Quin Snyder. I hope that was a mistake and will get fixed.
Hopefully Stewie can forward this to EA.

I did now up to them to act on it


Pro 1
Do you get the 86 masters card by completing the campaign? that campaign is $$$ grab :( is there any other way of getting these cards?

people already told you yes, you get the master cards by completing the campaign of the respective master.
The other way should be the Auction House, but it shouldn't be friendly.

And while Isiah's campaign may be mostly a campaign for the ones dropping money in the game, you'll see a lot of f2p getting Wilt pretty soon.


Rookie 1
It's gonna be TOUGHHH to get to 83, well as f2p, of course. Getting 2 85 heroes along with a 5 matched elite coach would obviously increase the chances. Only thing is these coaches only boost 5 instead of 7 like normal, and I think the preview actually had a boost of 8!

It seems that most tipoff coaches can boost up to +8 except Quin Snyder. I hope that was a mistake and will get fixed.
Hopefully Stewie can forward this to EA.

I did now up to them to act on it

Thank you Stewie as always.
Takes 4-5 heroes......oof. Wouldnt be so bad but of course you gotta fill the lineup with other tipoff elites. They gotta get theirs from the p2w somehow, at least f2p has a way to get Wilt within a few days time.


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