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Timeline: Oscar Robertson Promo


Rookie 3
Is there a reason only the clutch and boost Robertson show up?

The higher stats for the 99 Robertson make him a much more attractive starting option in my opinion.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
The next promo will be based on NBA Live 95 and the cover had the Rockets and Knicks from the Finals so don't be surprised if there are at least a couple of masters from those teams


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
since you get tokens for doing everything in the game and (other than first win) the rewards are better for doing non-campaign things it is almost like a break
Not really outside of the fact that you can autoplay SD and win your quarter by 1 point then get the 10 tokens even if you lose the match by 20 but still that requires spending over an hour and a half to empty a full stamina bar


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Same here. And I dont need the extra 150 to have him on all 3 types since I got clutch nunn and clutch magic.
I'll probably go for the balanced one if he plays great then I can use him on every lineup and give me 2+ mil from starting PGs


Rookie 1
Just dont forget that using a balanced player on a lineup will make your coach not reach max (I.e. 9 players matching) unless EA changed that.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Just dont forget that using a balanced player on a lineup will make your coach not reach max (I.e. 9 players matching) unless EA changed that.
That didn't matter the boosts that boost items give are nothing compared to the boosts we can put on our lineup it doesn't bother me to lose 1 boost point on my style lineups with no difference on my ultimate lineup because I always have enough matching plus say you have 10 players on your street lineup no matter what the jerseys and court are counted so you can have as much as 13 matching so with 1 balanced player you still have plenty of room to still have 10 matching items


All-Star 1
That didn't matter the boosts that boost items give are nothing compared to the boosts we can put on our lineup it doesn't bother me to lose 1 boost point on my style lineups with no difference on my ultimate lineup because I always have enough matching plus say you have 10 players on your street lineup no matter what the jerseys and court are counted so you can have as much as 13 matching so with 1 balanced player you still have plenty of room to still have 10 matching items
You have to match PLAYERS for the boost items, other items don't count.

But your point remains valid, losing 1 stat boost point because you've got a balanced player is completely irrelevant. Having a high level player on 3 lineups is far more valuable than +1 extra dunk boost on my Street lineup


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
You have to match PLAYERS for the boost items, other items don't count.

But your point remains valid, losing 1 stat boost point because you've got a balanced player is completely irrelevant. Having a high level player on 3 lineups is far more valuable than +1 extra dunk boost on my Street lineup
Actually the jerseys and court do count for chem I tested this months ago here's an example if I have 5 LD players, 2 LD jerseys and a LD court I count as having 8 matching the +11 steal come from 2 from Bird, 6 from jerseys, and 3 from Boylen
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