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Thought on harvest promo

I think the promo design is really nice and talking with Brian a lot the past few days I appreciate the juggling act he is trying to do to please management and reward f2p players with something.

I don?t mind only playing every six hours since I work full-time. I do think you have to sacrifice tb other programs a bit but I?ll switch my focus back to those after the promo is over.
I agree it's a well designed promo but there in lies the problem I've been having with this game. Too much time and effort is put into how they can balance between f2p & earning a dollar, and very little/if not no time has been put into improving the game. Both fifa and madden have new engines, better graphics, new animations, improved gameplay etc, but we still have the same engine, same dunks, same layups, same shooting animations, and the exact same gameplay since the soft launch in February 2016.

All of that stuff is engineering related. The promo would still be the promo with updated gameplay, etc.


Rookie 1
I like the way it looks visually but the high stamina requirements have pretty much killed my time spent actually playing the game. I log on maybe twice a day now, 3 times at most - once to do the daily objectives and spend my remaining stamina, then again 6 hours later to drain my stamina again, which takes 5 minutes at most.

The cash/rep packs in the store are extortionate for what you get and the requirements for the curry cards are insane. Luckily i had 42 packs saved up and opening all of them got me 2 tokens short of the 80 curry. I can't imagine that people starting from scratch will get any further than the 83 card.
Looking back i wish i'd ignored the curry events and put my stamina toward the 86 sets first, at least they'll be an improvement on my lineup and are fairly easy to obtain f2p.

All in all i feel like EA have made some improvements this season but this promo seems like a bit of a step back after a long wait for something good to do.

Edit: Also doesn't help that there don't seem to be any more ads to watch? In a stamina heavy promo like this, removing the ability to earn stamina seems like a pretty obvious way of getting people to spend money on stamina refills.

What do you mean by the statement that you had 42 packs saved up?? What packs are you talking about??

I'm relatively new to the game, so, a little help would be appreciated. Cheers..!!!


Rookie 1
Claim the bonus packs every 4 hours but don?t open them, save them for later. They give you the items for that specific campaign at the time, even if you claimed them during an older one.


Rookie 3
the cat is out of the bag on this one, it was a nice secret until (..kin' josh) went and YT'd it...
(why does EVERYTHING have 2 be broadcast in this game... seriously)

ive been saving ALL packs all season, and noticed 2 promos in that most change promo 2 promo

the bonus packs are the best, as they change instantly when the new promo starts. other packs take some time to morph (others dont at all.. yet)


Rookie 1
Claim the bonus packs every 4 hours but don?t open them, save them for later. They give you the items for that specific campaign at the time, even if you claimed them during an older one.

Cool.. I'll keep that in mind. I could have had an 85 Curry right now if I had saved all those packs from before.

Thanks for the tip dude..!!! :D :D


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