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Thought on harvest promo


Rookie 3
This is i think one of the most boring promo that we got. While there are many sets to complete, playing 5 to 10 minutes every 6 hours is very dull. Not that i miss the 5 minute event last season playing hours of 3-point shootout to burn all your stamina but i think they should have weigh more the stamina versus the reward better to make this promo more enjoyable. Also, the rep points and coins that i have prepared for weeks seems not getting me far to complete a master. Hope they reduce the waiting hours for these packs to at least every 6 or 12 hours. Anyway, hope to complete at least 1 and my prioritization will be mutombo>curry>tatum on my main while curry>tatum>mutombo on my alt.
I wouldn't say it's boring. It would have been a great promo if the stamina requirements weren't so ridiculous! My priority is Curry first. For f2p players you have to focus on one thing first. If anyone tries to split their stamina between the Curry and Mutombo events given the stamina requirements and time limit you will not be able to complete anything of value.


All-Star 3
It is a little boring bcz of the log in every 6 hrs play 5 minutes aspect..
But as others have touched on its the stamina requirements thats the worst.. atleast well be getting stamina events from today(i hope).. the worst is when u make a mistake in the 50 stamina events and lose the stamina
One of the things i hope for in future promos is that they integrate different aspect of the game into the promos like they used to.. earn tokens from showdown matches lvl matches etc.. i really dont get why these developers cant seem to figure out ways to make the game interesting ...


Rookie 1
I think the plan is for stamina events to be here on Sat

generally i'm ok w the promo, had more fun on Halloween but this also links up to black fri so it's kinda an incomplete picture now

agree with @Anatdoc tho, the cost of a mistake or even a fiddly connection is huge now

adds to the rage on missed dunks and 70% missed open looks


All-Star 1
I was pumped for this but pretty let down after seeing it. I knew f2p wouldn't be able to get everything but it's gonna be a struggle to complete 2 masters & not exactly a fun process to do so. Brian said they didn't make money off Halloween bc ppl completed it for free. So now they lean towards the opposite end of the spectrum. I know they need to be profitable but there can definitely be a balance. The store packs are awful. You get very little for your NBA cash or real $. I bought the 1.99 pack to see if it opened up another pack & sure enough it did....You can spend the 200 cash you just got for the exact same contents...6 tokens and a worthless gold/chance at an elite. 200 cash for 6 tokens is steeeeeep when you consider nthe amount of tokens necessary to get anything worthwhile. Better off saving that 200 cash for a stamina refill honestly. Not really thrilled with any of the lower elites aside from Mcgrady & CP which can only be pulled in packs. Also not certain that BF is going to be great but we'll have to wait & see about that. But is what it is. Gotta grind out what I can & hope for the best


Rookie 1
I don't know why I always so unlucky in playing the first harvest promo (mashed potato), lose 2 matches streak because of the AI defend and weakening our shooting, 2 days lose 200 stamina for nothing , and now don't even have ad to gain stamina, how EA going to let us grind for the players?

Anyone here can share experience on winning the harvest promo first challenge?


All-Star 3
I don't know why I always so unlucky in playing the first harvest promo (mashed potato), lose 2 matches streak because of the AI defend and weakening our shooting, 2 days lose 200 stamina for nothing , and now don't even have ad to gain stamina, how EA going to let us grind for the players?

Anyone here can share experience on winning the harvest promo first challenge?

Yup its a frurating event.. best bet is go to the corner after a little hesitation to shake of the defender and rhen get a perfect release.. unless ur good in driving in the paint..
I wish the live events were like the legacy events and the legacy were like the live.. so we could USE our legacy lineups and make rhe live event grind tolerable


Rookie 1
I like the way it looks visually but the high stamina requirements have pretty much killed my time spent actually playing the game. I log on maybe twice a day now, 3 times at most - once to do the daily objectives and spend my remaining stamina, then again 6 hours later to drain my stamina again, which takes 5 minutes at most.

The cash/rep packs in the store are extortionate for what you get and the requirements for the curry cards are insane. Luckily i had 42 packs saved up and opening all of them got me 2 tokens short of the 80 curry. I can't imagine that people starting from scratch will get any further than the 83 card.
Looking back i wish i'd ignored the curry events and put my stamina toward the 86 sets first, at least they'll be an improvement on my lineup and are fairly easy to obtain f2p.

All in all i feel like EA have made some improvements this season but this promo seems like a bit of a step back after a long wait for something good to do.

Edit: Also doesn't help that there don't seem to be any more ads to watch? In a stamina heavy promo like this, removing the ability to earn stamina seems like a pretty obvious way of getting people to spend money on stamina refills.


Rookie 3
I am not expecting it to be f2p friendly either, maybe getting one master is enough for me. I understand that ea need to make money too after the holloween and tipoff but they really need to do something about stamina. I lost also several times on the first event (make 1 basket) and it's really frustrating. My better chance is going for corner 3. One of the good side though about this promo is that the set, though require specific tokens, is not a 'luck based' since there are different events for them.


Rookie 3
an event as a whole.. LIKE
the fact that its event based, and not coin based.. LIKE
that stamina for each event is 50.. FAIL (needs to be 25-30 for blitz, and events could remain 50)
that f2p have a CHANCE at one master @ this stage.. eeee 2 of 4 would be betterer

there are still some surprises in store eg stamina events + BF... so @ the moment, im 60-40 as a whole
I think the promo design is really nice and talking with Brian a lot the past few days I appreciate the juggling act he is trying to do to please management and reward f2p players with something.

I don?t mind only playing every six hours since I work full-time. I do think you have to sacrifice tb other programs a bit but I?ll switch my focus back to those after the promo is over.


Rookie 1
I'm enjoying this promo. Of course it is impossible to get Duncan, but I think I can get Curry and Tatum.

Already have Curry to 83 and two 83 Heros. The 55 stored bonus pack saved me.

For people complaining about the firt event, why are you trying to shoot a three with only 20s left? I always drive to the paint and go for a layup, sometimes with 5s left... The best way to do it for me is to get the ball back to your SF ( 83 Hayward in my case, 82 dribbling + 8 coach bonus).


Rookie 1
50 stamina = 10 xp

Who came up with this scheme?

Im definitely not gonna spend any money on this promo based solely off of these greedy minor tactics/traps.
I think the promo design is really nice and talking with Brian a lot the past few days I appreciate the juggling act he is trying to do to please management and reward f2p players with something.

I don?t mind only playing every six hours since I work full-time. I do think you have to sacrifice tb other programs a bit but I?ll switch my focus back to those after the promo is over.
I agree it's a well designed promo but there in lies the problem I've been having with this game. Too much time and effort is put into how they can balance between f2p & earning a dollar, and very little/if not no time has been put into improving the game. Both fifa and madden have new engines, better graphics, new animations, improved gameplay etc, but we still have the same engine, same dunks, same layups, same shooting animations, and the exact same gameplay since the soft launch in February 2016.


All-Star 1
50 stamina = 10 xp

Who came up with this scheme?

Im definitely not gonna spend any money on this promo based solely off of these greedy minor tactics/traps.

No doubt, why so stingy with XP? If you're spending $ & NBA cash to grind the hell out of this thing.....don't you deserve a couple level ups?

And if you're not refilling stamina, then you're only playing 20 events per 24 hours so you're not ever gonna level up. I currently need 47k XP to level. Just weak man


Rookie 2
it is about as good of a f2p promo as you can have. would just like to see the events be maybe 40 stamina rather than 50 since they are shorter. saves some time though with them not being 20 or 25.


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