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Supertstars !?


Rookie 1
Hate they since they like elevate players on S3 but more harder to raise them ovr and badly we can't add they on same lineup if they don't same type that's so suck.
Seems like MM would be superstars players like express murray.
Maybe need to stop playing this game for a few moments and get back when they fix some trouble cause so far the S4 sucks for me


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I like superstars and yes they're like the Mobile Master this season but I agree training sucks we shouldn't have to train the same overall 3 times to reach a new overall maxing one now costs 4,400 shards and over 25k star power imagine what a 110 is probably like 500k shards and 25 mil star power


All-Star 3
I like superstars and yes they're like the Mobile Master this season but I agree training sucks we shouldn't have to train the same overall 3 times to reach a new overall maxing one now costs 4,400 shards and over 25k star power imagine what a 110 is probably like 500k shards and 25 mil star power
Same here..
They are all decent cheap ability players which are very useful with the ai as jacked up as they are..
Star power is the toughest thing to collect right now..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Same here..
They are all decent cheap ability players which are very useful with the ai as jacked up as they are..
Star power is the toughest thing to collect right now..
Yep and needing so much hurts because it will no doubt require way more for each level as we like with the journey from 78-85


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I just hope they don't abandon the players Midway thru the season..
Me too that Embiid was a sad excuse of a MM that they "made for beginners" then rubbed it in veteran faces with the 90 that could elevate to 109 but had shitty stats compared the various platinum embiids available elsewhere in the game


Rookie 1
I like superstars and yes they're like the Mobile Master this season but I agree training sucks we shouldn't have to train the same overall 3 times to reach a new overall maxing one now costs 4,400 shards and over 25k star power imagine what a 110 is probably like 500k shards and 25 mil star power
Yeah love the gameplay of they so far and the active & passive boosts but training they it's so sucks since need shards and then stars so many to do Max ovr so far.
Of course in the future need more of shards and stars for make they exceed 85 ovr, i believe that.


Rookie 1
Some superstars will be auctionable (most likely MM Murrey and other monthly superstarts)

I hope it doesn't end up like the training requirements for platinums in Season 2.

It looks like they will to some extent.

There seems to be a premium star power that will be introduced later in the season.

Also, certain superstars (most likely just the monthly and special event ones)
will be actionable.


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All-Star 1
Aside of the scary fact that some will be auctionable (most likely MM Murrey

It looks like they will to some extent.

There seems to be a premium star power that will be introduced later in the season.

Also, certain superstars (most likely just the monthly and special event ones)
will be actionable.

View attachment 2992

View attachment 2993
Well, I think there's still something we don't know about as far as you referencing the auctionable Superstars. You see the corresponding symbol in the search window? It's got a circle in the corner which means it can be placed in any lineup. I got one of the courts from live pass objectives and it's the same. Circle where the playstyle symbol would be and I can use it in every single lineup. So who knows what's to come. But I don't think the Superstars that we have now will be auctionable


Rookie 1
They are getting more and more greedy. Until no more players playing the game. S4 or S5 will be the end of NBALM, you hear it from here


Rookie 1
It's got a circle in the corner which means it can be placed in any lineup.

You are confusing the Level-up circle with the Balanced Style circle.


It also clearly states after selecting the filter options that this is a superstar filter.


(The New) Balanced cards can be added in any lineup, but that circle is different. It also has their own filter in AH

AH filter.PNG

But I don't think the Superstars that we have now will be auctionable

Also, certain superstars (most likely just the monthly and special event ones)
will be actionable.

Again, it's doubtful that any Season Stars will even be actionable.
Monthly superstars on the other hand are a near guarantee at this point.
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Pro 1
S4 has been great so far but I can already spot several Superstar problems ahead...

1) Starpower
Very hard and costly to get. At this time I have shard overflow on several of my players but can’t level them up due to lack of Starpower. I purchased some via Dust but no more.
I was considering getting the Live Pass (to get Giannis and because I feel like spending some cash on this game since I’m generally pleased with S4 so far) but... what for if I can’t even level up my other superstars? I’d rather play with an 82 Green than a 78 Giannis anyday.

2) Same players... again and again and again
Soon enough every other team will be using the same repeated players. Whenever this happens (happened a lot in early S3) it gets very boring very fast.

3) Abilities... some just plain suck
Some abilities suck and some superstars seem actually bad (ADs defense seemed horrible to me and his ability is totally useless for me who don’t use manual switch on D).

I see this Superstars thing crashing and burning soon. If not for one reason, it will likely be for another. I just hope EA drops it asap so that it doesn’t end up spoiling the game. It’s something that looked good on paper but I don’t think it works in practice.

I’m holding any stardust/superstar investment for now.

The way this is going I’ll probably keep Luka and forget about the rest.
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All-Star 1
Hopefully once PVP comes back they'll give out some Star power as rewards. Would also be nice if end of season rewards in SD give us more than just shards
I don't really have a problem with Star Power or the pace at which I'm leveling up Superstars. I do have a problem with the Draft Expansion crap and the fact that they opened up all of the Superstars events for the Tip Off campaign. Now anyone can get Kawhi. It almost feels like we're playing Season 4 Beta at times.


All-Star 1
I don't really have a problem with Star Power or the pace at which I'm leveling up Superstars. I do have a problem with the Draft Expansion crap and the fact that they opened up all of the Superstars events for the Tip Off campaign. Now anyone can get Kawhi. It almost feels like we're playing Season 4 Beta at times.
Yeah, they screwed that up big time. One week after launch I have all 8 Superstars at 80+. What was the point in the draft if it doesn't matter a week in? The could've made it so that spenders had a few Superstars at most. Could've made lineups a little more differentiated and Superstars somewhat special but now........ meh


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