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Stats for 100 ovr player select


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I posted then at the bottom of the main post regarding that promo check them out there


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
do you mind showing me where you posted it? i cant find lol
Go to the thread and on the post with all the details by benkangquan at the bottom of that post you will see the secondary stats of the players I didn't post the primary because most people don't care about primary stats but if you want I can upload those as well


Rookie 1
Go to the thread and on the post with all the details by benkangquan at the bottom of that post you will see the secondary stats of the players I didn't post the primary because most people don't care about primary stats but if you want I can upload those as well
yes i need the primary stats, it would be good if you provide it too..thanks


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
yes i need the primary stats, it would be good if you provide it too..thanks
Ok I added the primary stats but I moved all 12 images to under the corresponding names in the list of players so it's no longer at the bottom of the post it's now they're near the top


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