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Stamina from ads is back!


Rookie 1
The Ad glitch never worked for me. Perhaps I just lived in the wrong region. :roll:

But I?m finished with the promo anyway. Thanks to this helpful post on reddit. Works if you have trained to 2x 85 3x86 and 79Bench:

"Just to start off this obviously isn't for everyone (you need to have 2m coins) and i may be stating the obvious......

After getting to 84 with:

starters - 85 85 86 86 90

bench - 79 79 86 79 79

I just bought a garnett for ?1.8m from the AH, plugged him in for my 79 and this took the team straight up to 85 OVR. Once I got the token for my second 90 master I sold garnett back, luckily listed him at buy it now of 2m and it sold so didn't lose out and effectively getting my second 90 for free. But it will take you approximately 550k coins to level up from 84 to 85, so if you can keep your loss on the re-sale to below this you've used less coins and saved yourself a hell of a lot of time in getting the tp."

Works only if you have some coins saved up. It worked for me pretty fine. Was 82 OVR. Bought Garnett for 1,7Mio. Coins. Was enough to go to 83/84 OVR. Selected Paul George. Put him in my lineup. I was 85 OVR. Selected Oladipo. Sold all three of them for 5,2 Mio. Coins.

Done. Next promo please. :D

I also have not benefited from the ads at all.

Buying from AH is a good trick, saving hours of boring grinding
Shall not be spoken....

It can be spoken of now since it was brought up directly to Brian

Great. Any idea how I can get ads to start working now?
Since someone has spilled the beans already directly to Brian....
1) Use 2-3 devices. Sometimes you get them on 2 devices, sometimes you get them on only one device. So having multiple devices ensures you always have ads. If I had only my new tablet I would never get ads as it only pops up on my old device.
2) If you haven't got any ads and your at that time of day when you usually get them try clearing app data and cache from the application settings. Sometimes I login and there are no ads, I then clear data wait an additional 30mins then log back in and they pop up.


Rookie 1
I really don't see the extra ads affecting how the p2w players go about getting the cards. If they're just throwing money at the game because they can't be bothered to grind it out, i really can't see them sitting through hundreds of ads and then having to grind it out anyway.
There's no way this hasn't brought in extra money


Rookie 3
Haha...yeah i believe the same. While f2p would boast their 'no-money-spent' lineup, i'm thinking rich/p2w players would boast their 'no-stamina-spent' lineup.


Rookie 2
In Asia, its mainly the mainland Chinese game app developers behind Idle Heroes and Mobile legend sponsoring these, and of course sometimes I get the travel ones that compete against Expedia and Booking.


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