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Simulation Series Promo

I have a doubt, when I get to the first master of 102 de med. They will compulsorily choose klay or kerr or goodrich. or other players like Duncan will come out. is that i need klay


Rookie 1
I played till now all the games in this series except 16 and watched all the ads and bought all the 75 points cards except 2 and i have 11580 points so if you added what i missed it will be 12530 so it is manageable .. but what about the f****** stamina 🤦‍♂️... seriously when EA is gone stop being greedy
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Rookie 2
Idk why but I find it super easy to lose to lower ovr teams. For example, I’ve lost against 97 ovr teams as a 102 ovr. It’s not like I was cocky in those games, but sometimes stats just don’t matter. If an 80 ovr player wants to dunk in you and EA lets them, it doesn’t matter how good your team is. What should have been a blowout often leads to a tie. Wow EA.


All-Star 1
Idk why but I find it super easy to lose to lower ovr teams. For example, I’ve lost against 97 ovr teams as a 102 ovr. It’s not like I was cocky in those games, but sometimes stats just don’t matter. If an 80 ovr player wants to dunk in you and EA lets them, it doesn’t matter how good your team is. What should have been a blowout often leads to a tie. Wow EA.
Search reverse OVR nerf...it’s not only you.


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