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Simulation Series Promo


Rookie 1
Does anyone have any advice for grinding for the sim stuff? I know that watching ads helps (75w), but this really does seem kinda slow to get anything. I really want those players in the upper end but idk how to grind for them. any thoughts?


Pro 2
Does anyone have any advice for grinding for the sim stuff? I know that watching ads helps (75w), but this really does seem kinda slow to get anything. I really want those players in the upper end but idk how to grind for them. any thoughts?
Do you have any pro packs or saved LVL stamina bottles?


All-Star 3
Does anyone have any advice for grinding for the sim stuff? I know that watching ads helps (75w), but this really does seem kinda slow to get anything. I really want those players in the upper end but idk how to grind for them. any thoughts?
All the live events
Coin packs
Ads packs
Then arena is the best mode.. try to tie the games.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This promo is redeemed for because of influencers being over stamina wise and the Bulls hiring Arturas Karnisovas as their executive VP of basketball operations aka the former position of John Paxson so GarPax are gone from power positions as well as Boylen when this season is finally called over either from the playoffs or a cancelation of the rest of the season


Pro 1
This campaign is fun while the events last. Well, apart from the glitches on some events but fun for the most part. The team packs got me 2x 97 GTs already, which was nice.

But after the events are done, it's a pain spending stamina.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This campaign is fun while the events last. Well, apart from the glitches on some events but fun for the most part. The team packs got me 2x 97 GTs already, which was nice.

But after the events are done, it's a pain spending stamina.
I moved this post from the influencers thread since I think you you meant to post it here
Who wants 101 Devonte Graham for less than 1.5 mil?
How bout for $100k and I’ll mail you some brownies? lol
This campaign is fun while the events last. Well, apart from the glitches on some events but fun for the most part. The team packs got me 2x 97 GTs already, which was nice.

But after the events are done, it's a pain spending stamina.
I just want the gold lol Also wanted Graham but that 1-4 thing is way to expensive right now


All-Star 1
Well, this was kind of expected since the length of promo and number of days games were being displayed didn’t match. Anyway, seems like 12,500 is in reach.
Without actually saying anything of substance lol, I was implying a hope that we'll have a chance to grind a higher amount of W's than in Part 1. I'm hoping to get the 2nd Master pack


All-Star 1
Without actually saying anything of substance lol, I was implying a hope that we'll have a chance to grind a higher amount of W's than in Part 1. I'm hoping to get the 2nd Master pack
Now you’re dreaming unless you part with some that cold hard cash you’ve got! 😜


Rookie 1
I played through all of the previous ones, and I finally got Burkes on the 20k pack. Probably won't pull any more during this promo :D


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