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Sign up for NBALiveCommunity.com Tournament #2


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
1. You need to have your game account linked to a Facebook account and if you don't want people to add your personal FB account then make a dummy FB account to link to your game account
2. Each matchup is a best of 3 series
3. Each round has a 24 hour deadline
4. Starts 6/22/19 or 6/23/19 depending on how long it takes to make a full bracket
5. 16 or 32 participants
6. If the overalls are uneven then the higher overall goes first in game 1 and game 3 if there is a need for game 3 but if the overall is even then the lower seed goes first
7. Participants may play at whatever overall they want so if both want to play at 104 then so be it

How to enter:
1. Post your in-game name and/or FB name along with your overall

I'll start things off...
IGN: Stewie309
FB: Stewie Spliff
OVR: 107


Rookie 1
Is there a rule where players must be at same overall to play against each other?? Like if im 104 and facing a 107 opponent...so the 107 opponent must reduce his overall to 104 so that it will be a fair match? Otherwise it's still gonna get dominated by highest overall players


Rookie 3
I guess adjusting ovr won’t be an issue for some here. Me myself is willing to lower my team to have a fairer match, however, it will be very risky for players with active match in lvl especially that we are not on the same time zone and there will be instances that you have to wait for your opponent’s turn. Maybe if we can come up of a way then it will be a good suggestion.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is there a rule where players must be at same overall to play against each other?? Like if im 104 and facing a 107 opponent...so the 107 opponent must reduce his overall to 104 so that it will be a fair match? Otherwise it's still gonna get dominated by highest overall players
No it's not a rule it's up to the players to decide what they want to play at in their matchup if you're 107 and their 104 and you both want to play at 70 so be it the reason there isn't a rule about overall is because it affects people's LvL and dropping your overall could cost your league a win if someone destroys your AI last year in the FB play mode you could only play with the NBA lineup so all you have to do was drop that one and you overall was decided by the average of your NBA and classic lineups but this year your overall is based on your highest overall lineup so if someone wants to drop their overall they have to do so on every lineup on their team


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I guess adjusting ovr won’t be an issue for some here. Me myself is willing to lower my team to have a fairer match, however, it will be very risky for players with active match in lvl especially that we are not on the same time zone and there will be instances that you have to wait for your opponent’s turn. Maybe if we can come up of a way then it will be a good suggestion.
I'm open to enforcing an overall balance as long as the matchup is done quickly like within an hour otherwise the LvL risk has a higher chance to come into play which I don't want that for myself or the other participants in the tournament several of which are in my league


Rookie 1
Don't participate if you don't have a high overall. You have already insalt the winner of the first tournament . lebronmasked lebronmasked I remove my participation so that you can have more chances winning this one . Good like


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