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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the third season and the start of the fourth season


Pro 1
One more season, one more post

Talk about

* Your general opinion about showdown at the moment
* what were the most memorable quarters you experienced/saw
* how much you're playing - and there's an achievement that is counting your number of wins to help us with that.
* season-ending-pulls and whether or not your efforts were worth it.
* The prizes
* The changes in the end of the timing of the end of the season
* Or any other doubt, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown.


All-Star 3
1.604 mill- 458
Basically did the last 700 I fans in the last 24 hrs.. the last 150k with the glitch.. dont think would have got top 500 without it..actually lost a match in a tiebreak in the last hour.. had a shot blocked..lol
Pulled 80 milsap and Embiid
Has a good 20-0 quarter agst a 82(I'm at 81).. nothing else remarkable abt showdown..
The grind was getting tough with lebron and harden as they were missing everything.. pulled Kawhi and bought demar.. then it was reasonable..
Was really hoping they made it a 2 week sd till tipoff..
They really need to change it back to having to win just the quarter and not the whole match in objectives. Some people have no desire to be in SD longer than they have to. Especially now lol.


Pro 1
I was 4431th with 620k. Have a total of 475 quarter wins now (66 from this season).
I basically played daily objectives except on Saturday when I did spend any stamina after events-first-wins there and that included a level-up.
Final pack had 3 sd golds - 74-72-70 ovr so nothing too exciting.
I lost more quarters than I wanted to on Saturday as I played too many quarters in succession.
I didn't get to play SD with free shooting in the previous season. But already gave it a try for the daily objectives and got the 2/2 wins.
just lost a tie-breaker 30-2 vs 36-8. I KNOW I didn't miss a single shot, but it says I shot 90% vs their 100. You simply CANNOT make 10 3s and shoot exactly 90%. That's not how math works. I only took 3's of course. What the actual hell?
Finished 217 with 1.812M. Pulled Jokic in Legend Pack with 3 mid 70 SD golds. Also pulled Oladipo from top 300

Glitch helped me move from 243 to 217. Help being used loosely, for I think I may have been better off without it. Literally everyone I played was using the glitch, but i think I maybe won 45% of glitched games, so came out in the positive.
Have no clue how many wins it took, I've already won over a thousand quarters in achievements.

I think there were A LOT of people that simply sat this one out. I stayed top 300 since day 2. Lowest I fell after was 273. I think just reaching legend last week was NOT enough for top 500, but it looks like it may have been enough this week.

I think it definitely helped that I would go hours without playing. Didn't have as many droughts as last week.


All-Star 3
just lost a tie-breaker 30-2 vs 36-8. I KNOW I didn't miss a single shot, but it says I shot 90% vs their 100. You simply CANNOT make 10 3s and shoot exactly 90%. That's not how math works. I only took 3's of course. What the actual hell?

Maybe u had a shot blocked?


Pro 1
just lost a tie-breaker 30-2 vs 36-8. I KNOW I didn't miss a single shot, but it says I shot 90% vs their 100. You simply CANNOT make 10 3s and shoot exactly 90%. That's not how math works. I only took 3's of course. What the actual hell?

Maybe u had a shot blocked?

Do they count now?

In season2 blocked shots did not count for shooting percentage - I made a post in gg about it back then saying they should count as I was getting 100% in quarters I had shots blocked.
Can someone tell me what it is about my defense that tells the AI to pretty much hold the ball until there's 2 seconds left on the shotclock??? The AI will literally stand in one spot just bouncing the ball while losing 21-4 with 50 seconds remaining! I'm not talking about when you freeze them with defense after a missed shot, either (who's missed anything in the past 8 hours, anyways?) . I'm talking standing at 3-4 feet behind their own 3point line just stalling. Sometimes, I'll back off of them and they STILL wont shoot!

I have probably played far too many quarters in too short of a time period....


Rookie 1
Can someone tell me what it is about my defense that tells the AI to pretty much hold the ball until there's 2 seconds left on the shotclock??? The AI will literally stand in one spot just bouncing the ball while losing 21-4 with 50 seconds remaining! I'm not talking about when you freeze them with defense after a missed shot, either (who's missed anything in the past 8 hours, anyways?) . I'm talking standing at 3-4 feet behind their own 3point line just stalling. Sometimes, I'll back off of them and they STILL wont shoot!

I have probably played far too many quarters in too short of a time period....

Can't say i've seen anything like that. Maybe run at them and try a steal? You run the risk of them going around you but if they're in their own half, at least you have a chance to get back on D


All-Star 1
Can someone tell me what it is about my defense that tells the AI to pretty much hold the ball until there's 2 seconds left on the shotclock??? The AI will literally stand in one spot just bouncing the ball while losing 21-4 with 50 seconds remaining! I'm not talking about when you freeze them with defense after a missed shot, either (who's missed anything in the past 8 hours, anyways?) . I'm talking standing at 3-4 feet behind their own 3point line just stalling. Sometimes, I'll back off of them and they STILL wont shoot!

I have probably played far too many quarters in too short of a time period....

Happens to me all the time. Easy steal.


All-Star 3
just lost a tie-breaker 30-2 vs 36-8. I KNOW I didn't miss a single shot, but it says I shot 90% vs their 100. You simply CANNOT make 10 3s and shoot exactly 90%. That's not how math works. I only took 3's of course. What the actual hell?

Maybe u had a shot blocked?

Do they count now?

In season2 blocked shots did not count for shooting percentage - I made a post in gg about it back then saying they should count as I was getting 100% in quarters I had shots blocked.

Didnt miss any other shot.. so assumed it was the block
Can someone tell me what it is about my defense that tells the AI to pretty much hold the ball until there's 2 seconds left on the shotclock??? The AI will literally stand in one spot just bouncing the ball while losing 21-4 with 50 seconds remaining! I'm not talking about when you freeze them with defense after a missed shot, either (who's missed anything in the past 8 hours, anyways?) . I'm talking standing at 3-4 feet behind their own 3point line just stalling. Sometimes, I'll back off of them and they STILL wont shoot!

I have probably played far too many quarters in too short of a time period....

Happens to me all the time. Easy steal.

I thought the same. Then IT blew by me and dunked with two hands lol. All sorts of wackiness has occurred since the game's become glitched lol


Pro 1
I've already won over a thousand quarters in achievements.

you really are playing too much xD no wonder you have more complaints to present xD

Yeah, i was having that problem too. Took a step back on my playing time, stopped spending real money (not that I've spent much) and it started being fun for me again. (Making it past Nash and the AH starting to look a bit more like a market also helped :) )
I've already won over a thousand quarters in achievements.

you really are playing too much xD no wonder you have more complaints to present xD

Now you start to see why, lol. It was driving me crazy to win so many quarters but of course lose the match. Obviously I had to start winning the quarters at a higher margin. Being at 80 has helped. When you play so many, you see things. Crazy things lol.


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