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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the ninth season and the start of the tenth season


Pro 1
Talk about memorable quarters, final results, season ending pulls, your doubts, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown at the start of the tenth season.


Pro 1
So, elevate is the new bonus and the prize pool remains the same

I asked earlier but with no answer - how's elite Lue boost at the moment?

Will the email trick work for those in the top10000 given there's a recently updated description talking about 'in legend prizes'?

Do we know of more fan boosting 82-83 players besides Trae Young and Gary Harris?

Any estimate for the amount of people finishing in legend?

Meanwhile I finished 22200 last season - 218k fans - Pack had a 76 Morris - 17W 2L, yet I managed to lose against an 82 xD


All-Star 3
Tough grind for me.. bought ray allen for the bonus and to try him out (not that great.. slightly better than klay on 3s worse in defence..).. had to buy a stamina refil too to complete legend.. pulled jokic..
1.509 m fans. 274. I guess abt 400 people finished legend.. 500 max
Change to Elevate is a pleasant surprise though selling ray will make me lose some coin now


Pro 1
Tough grind for me.. bought ray allen for the bonus and to try him out (not that great.. slightly better than klay on 3s worse in defence..)

I only see 1 Ray Allen in the AH now, so there's not a huge sellers-competition pushing you down at least!


All-Star 1
I finished 978 with 932k fans. Gave up on Legend once I realized I couldn?t get the bonus affordably and just maintained Top 1000. Doubting I?ll get anything though since they changed the rewards screen.

Not much else to say other than I?m really wondering if people play SD only if the reward is worth it or if the bonus is easy to achieve? This week will be telling since bonus is easy and prize is same as last tourney.

Most memorable match was this one:


Pro 1
Not much else to say other than I?m really wondering if people play SD only if the reward is worth it or if the bonus is easy to achieve? This week will be telling since bonus is easy and prize is same as last tourney.

Given the prize pool apparently remains the same, programs like impact and flashback are heavy stamina drainers and there will be Harvest wanting stamina as well, I doubt there will be more people in legend compared to this last week.


All-Star 1
Not much else to say other than I?m really wondering if people play SD only if the reward is worth it or if the bonus is easy to achieve? This week will be telling since bonus is easy and prize is same as last tourney.

Given the prize pool apparently remains the same, programs like impact and flashback are heavy stamina drainers and there will be Harvest wanting stamina as well, I doubt there will be more people in legend compared to this last week.
Well, I personally think Impact is a waste of stamina beyond first win events. When the bonus is significantly higher than current OVR's and the base OVR without boost is closer to normal (e.g. 89-->84, 90-->85 etc) then I think it will be worthwhile. As it is, what am I going to do with an 81 once the boost is finished (and yes, I know about completing the sets for an 87 but still...).

I believe SD is still the best bang for your stamina at the moment with Flashback a close second. Problem with FB is it's only one player so far and not one that most are really interested in given the position and other alternatives. Worst case with SD, you sell the SD elite and buy something you need. My expectation is that we will see a rise in SD this week to the tune of the Top 1000 all being Legend tier.


Pro 1
My expectation is that we will see a rise in SD this week to the tune of the Top 1000 all being Legend tier.

Given most people shouldn't have trouble having the SD bonus yeah that sounds possible, maybe not worse than this week as I was saying, but I'll still bet in a 1000th place out of legend :)


All-Star 3
Just noticed that the bonus is 75%.. so i guess top 1000 will be legend...only thing in doubt is stamina as the promo will start by then...

Ya edlll that was my thought.. that i would get the 85 with minimum loss of coin.. hence made the plunge
One bad match i had, i was temporarily boosted to 86 with ray.. had a match agst an 84. Had a 21-6 quarter.. guy cane back with a 19-0.. took me a moment to realise what happened.. considering 90% of the matches i had had margins of 5-10 points this was quite a shock.
Did have a +20 quarter in the last 50k to legend though

How often do u guys limit the ai to zero.. i dont think i have had one in like forever.. at the least they will get the rebound putback or the fadeaway..


Pro 1
How often do u guys limit the ai to zero.. i dont think i have had one in like forever.. at the least they will get the rebound putback or the fadeaway..

It doesn't happen very often. I have a lot of games ending with AI with 2 points (ex 16-2, 15-2) tho, but not many limiting to 0. Still, if we are talking about a full season of 200+ quarters, I'd say that at least in a handful of those I'm limiting the AI to 0.

Yesterday one of my daily objectives wins the opponent was a low ovr and beat me 10-0 but I still got the win :p


Rookie 3
I had 1.2m fans on 6th day with no game bonus but got tired of the grind and bought allen for 1.9m coins which put me on legend faster and brought me on the top 100. No plan on selling him back because he is doing better than my oladipo and think that since he is an 88 ovr it will take a while before the card became unusable. Hope the coming promo will bring my 86ovr team to at least 87.
Anyone else not feeling the ovr advantage in recent sd? I am winning good amount of games against 87 and 88 but also losing a bunch of times against lower ovr's. My worse humiliation was when i lost my quarter by 4 against a 78 and he won against mine by 14. The difficulty is too random that you won't get comfortable winning by 10 pts against lower ovr because you know almost half of the time if not most they will get back to you with a heartbreaking 11 points or with a winning tie.
Brian mentioned the other day that his next assignment after Harvest is to work on Showdown. He will be looking at he end of season reward system, the fan loss/gain system and the requirements for reaching Legend. It was quite an interesting conversation actually. He has to come up with proposals involving a lot of math and not just intuition.


Pro 1
Anyone else not feeling the ovr advantage in recent sd?

I'll say no. In the low tiers I had an easy time against all low ovr except one - the 82 ovr i mentioned above (+9 vs +10)
and in the Halloween week i had a bad time against higher ovr.

Differences still seem less significant than they were in s2, and the presented % also point that way.


All-Star 3
Anyone else not feeling the ovr advantage in recent sd?

I'll say no. In the low tiers I had an easy time against all low ovr except one - the 82 ovr i mentioned above (+9 vs +10)
and in the Halloween week i had a bad time against higher ovr.

Differences still seem less significant than they were in s2, and the presented % also point that way.
Ill say yes.. definitely.. shots just didnt go in agst the lower ovrs.. and they even seemed to have the rebounding advantage.
@edll at lower tiers u have to keep in mind player skill to in matchups.. mqybe thats why u had an easier time.. which i do to of i start sd late
Thats why i found the Halloween geind easier as there were so many players who were less skilled (who now had the bonus) increasing the chance of me getting victories..whereas this week smaller pool of more skilled grinders. Hence the lower ovr skilled players , tougher to beat with the game nerfing


Pro 1
Brian mentioned the other day that his next assignment after Harvest is to work on Showdown. He will be looking at he end of season reward system, the fan loss/gain system and the requirements for reaching Legend. It was quite an interesting conversation actually. He has to come up with proposals involving a lot of math and not just intuition.

That's good news. After not being crystal clear about the legend requirement for a share of the playerbase, hopefully they'll put an end to any possible doubts :)

But the different superstar tiers having the same season ending prize is what seems worse to me at the moment.

you can pick 3 bad golds with 1490000 fans and that's too bad.

Also, the 85 prizes wouldn't stay relevant for too long,

I have no guess about what they could change about the fan loss/gain system tho. maybe widen the +10 max. margin to something like +15? Or did they hint towards something else?

Beating someone 15-2 vs 9-10 and beating someone 20-0 vs 11-11 could use different rewards, imo xD


Pro 1
Ill say yes.. definitely.. shots just didnt go in agst the lower ovrs.. and they even seemed to have the rebounding advantage.
@edll at lower tiers u have to keep in mind player skill to in matchups.. mqybe thats why u had an easier time.. which i do to of i start sd late
Thats why i found the Halloween geind easier as there were so many players who were less skilled (who now had the bonus) increasing the chance of me getting victories..whereas this week smaller pool of more skilled grinders. Hence the lower ovr skilled players , tougher to beat with the game nerfing

I see your point about the low skill at low tier and you're right, yet I don't think I had more than a pair of wins with poor margins in those games. And the 16-2 and such that I was alluding to above are being the norm here.

It's hard to tell things apart tho. And I'm not playing enough at the moment to experience the whole picture (ex playing often against the 87/88ovr)


All-Star 1
I wonder....when I play low OVR in a low TIER, I usually win easily. But when I'm in a higher TIER and play a lower OVR, I struggle to make plays. Hadn't put 2 & 2 together but that's interesting to note. Because it makes their system seem even more screwy than I thought it was.


All-Star 3
I wonder....when I play low OVR in a low TIER, I usually win easily. But when I'm in a higher TIER and play a lower OVR, I struggle to make plays. Hadn't put 2 & 2 together but that's interesting to note. Because it makes their system seem even more screwy than I thought it was.

+1. I think this must be the answer


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